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how do I get cyanergy?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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4 năm trước

please help me i want to know with that animal of "the vacuo" how he appears and the cyanergy comes along when he dies?

# 2



4 năm trước

You have to do lots and lots of pvp and exhuast many, many players and then you just might get it to happen.

# 3



4 năm trước

The Obi Wanderer appeared today (Saturday April 18) twice during the Angeldust Live Stream. Firefly and players were gathered in the void in a big PvP match. Alexi found the first Obi Wanderer and lead it to the group where it was killed. Then, minutes later and against the odds a second one appeared. A lot of players received the cyanergy block today. If you missed the live stream then perhaps you can join a future live stream when Firefly does PvP with everyone. There is no guarantee one will appear, but the odds are better when more players are present in the void. Another option, you could visit us on Discord and ask if a group is available to go battle PvP in the Void with you, and maybe you'll get lucky.

# 4



4 năm trước

I thought some players would like to see this, or remember it if you were there: Classic! This is where Alexi brought us the Obi Wanderer into the group.

# 5



4 năm trước

That screenshot is great on many levels. Like how Alexi (maybe actually 'Alexa') is always listening to the stream and hopping in when there's personal gain to be had. And the scoreboard that's correct for once. And that mostly everyone is lying on the floor :P

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