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Firefly, We All Need Help :) :)

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

This... :/ Hey Firefly, Hey All :) ... I know you've probably already read multiple posts regarding the claimed lands and being able to delete your own claimed land ideas, but another perspective that I think should be hashed out, is the land that users buy, then never build on, or leave the game because they've only played for 0.2hrs and haven't given Angeldust a true shot, whatever it might be, it's pretty inconvenient to be working on a project (not wanting to buy 11 spots ahead of time and look like you're hogging land), then someone claims right next to you, which do not misunderstand me, I love when people build all around me, I love towns, being surrounded my so much creativity, however when someone buys then disappears forever, it can get in the way of what's going on in the town or other players buildings. Even if there's nothing that can be done, maybe this can just be a broadcast to be a little dedicated and mindful to the areas you buy in towns or directly against other players. I don't expect people to whip out structures every second in towns. but the buying then disappearing..., that land could have gone to someone else. lol :) Okay, enough of my naggin :D

# 2



7 năm trước

I'm a scout gal and I shoot poisoned arrows!!! yay

# 3



7 năm trước

I thought of this but I didn't want to bring it up. The only solution I could come up with would be to have a period of time (a month or two) wherein players need to 'reclaim' their properties. Everything would look the same except there would be a option on the transporter thing which would work like purchasing a claim except it would be free and the player would have to go round and manually reclaim all their claims that they want to keep. That could eliminate the claims people don't want and keep the ones they do and it would get rid of some of the claims that Mercy's talking about. Mercy, I assume you've reached out to these people and have tried to send them a friend request, intending on asking what they plan to do with the claim in question and perhaps give you permission to build there. There would be nothing you could do if they didn't respond to the friend request. I can imagine the problems that would come from this in some cases; could be nothing would happen. At some point I don't think there will be any choice other than to do something such as this. Perhaps it could become an annual thing, then everyone would expect it and there wouldn't be any surprises at all.

# 4



7 năm trước

What would that proposal do to the claims of such inactive players? Would they simply be free land after such span of time? (that'd be problematic as others may claim the land which eliminates their chance to reclaim it) or would it remain in the inactive player's possession like in an inactive state where every other players can build on? (which would mean like a free claim for every player, even the newly joined)

# 5


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

I think a solution to prevent it in the future is to require a certain level before you can claim land. Also you could make the first claim force you to buy 4 (or even 8) claims at once to put an initial price in coins that prevents people who aren't playing for a long time from claiming land. This would return the limitation of initial investment without having claims be too expensive. (In fact at 8 claims, you could lower the price.)

# 6



7 năm trước

If a person's account shows inactivity for 3 months, he/she should lose his character, which also means, his account is deleted... or... could just bring the character down to just-starting-out (or, bare naked) status. That would free up a lot of land to be reclaimed; not like there isn't plenty of land out there to claim, anyway.

# 7



7 năm trước

That'd be unfair for inactive pro players.

# 8



7 năm trước

I understand all that. I'm good at finding flaws with my ideas which is why I don't suggest many. Way I see it, claims that go un-reclaimed would have to become claimed by nobody and therefore someone would be allowed to claim it. It would be pointless to allow anyone to build there because although the inactive player could eventually reclaim it, all of the buildings would likely be destroyed. I don't have a perfect solution, this doesn't affect me. They all went out into the middle of nowhere and started claiming areas adjacent to each other. All was well for about 3 weeks they built an awesome place and put lots of work into it. Apparently someone came along and parked their claim right next to their buildings. Now they can't build anymore in that particular area. They were intending to do something with it eventually, hoping someone creative would come along and claim it and build something cool that went with their place. Instead someone claimed it and built nothing. Isn't there anything that could be done?

# 9



7 năm trước

Something such as this will eventually happen: You and I are out chasing monsters and we find a really nice area, 2 hills which bear striking resemblance to each other. We forget about the monsters as you claim one hill and I claim the other. We each put down 4 or 5 claims so that we have all of both hills. We're going to build identical houses on top of each hill with a road or some sort of path going in between them. We plan to connect the houses through an elaborate unseen basement. You start building your house up and I start digging down on my claim. We work on this on and off for a month or two, you build your house and I'm getting a real nice elaborate basement tunnel system coming your way. You are 3/4 of the way done with your house and I'm 3 blocks from breaking this nice basement to where it will abut your claim and you could then easily dig down to it at any time; I'm tragically killed in some accident IRL. Now you have this house that's just about finished with a massive pit in front. There would be almost no way that you could ever remove those 3 blocks and connect the basement network. You would never be able to put the finishing touches on my basement, or build the second house. You wouldn't even be able to cover up the basement. People would fall into it while checking out your house and they wouldn't be able to get back out. You wouldn't even be able to put a pole in so people could climb back out. There would be nothing you could do. Now lets say the same thing happens only I'm not killed just seriously injured or sick and I'm hospitalized for 6 months. You have no idea where I went. All you know is that there is a big pit that could easily become a nice basement/ cavern area and you know people keep falling into it, getting stuck and this knowledge griefs you. This thing comes along where you get to claim my hill/ basement thingie if I don't. I don't so you do. I get out of the hospital to find that this happened (because I'm no longer fighting for my life so hard I couldn't get anyway to log onto angeldust ever or get anyone to do it for me.) I'm not going to be too upset that you claimed my area; in fact I might be glad that you'd done something with it for me considering that I left it an open pit for over 1/2 a year. If there were this mechanism that allowed claims to expire then there's a good chance I could someday get the claims in question back from you if I asked nicely.

# 10


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Wow, great all. Gerberd, very interesting. Ray and I were talaking about that a bit, and each time we got to a good idea we came up with a way it would be unfair to a lot of players lol. Like: "Well what if each month it deletes land you havent built on in over a month" "well no, after you get done building on land, you slow down building, would be mad if a structure i built 6 months ago was deleted because i forgot to place a block on the land to show the system i was active building there" "well what if it goes by overall player log in activity. dont log in for a month, lose your claimed land" "well what if im hospitalized?" we couldnt get to an exact idea that wouldnt put some pro players that come on every now and then at risk. People have lives and don't spend all day on Angeldust, I understand lol I think we should all brainstorm together more. How this can be fair for everyone.

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