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Ideas Forum

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7 năm trước

Just do what you will, post stupid ideas so Firefly can shoot them down. ;)

# 2


Tree Kinght

7 năm trước

First thank you Poznan23 for making this Forum And now I would like to state an idea for Mr. Firefly is that of a player influenced economy. Were the players can make coin/cash or what ever the currency in the game is called with out having to fight all the time. So actions like building farms, mines, and lumber mills make raw goods and some other players can buy the raw goods and turn them into manufactured goods like better tools, Armor and furnishing. is say this because I thing something like this would make some players to settle towns and communities to make and sell better goods. I'm Sorry if the idea sounded to far fetched but I like the idea of settling a place then try to grow and protect it.

# 3



7 năm trước

I love the idea of tree kinght, it would add a new dimension to the game. Plus, the ressources would depends of the biome (EG : wonder farm in blue marble hill, pond in swamp, hunter's cabin in the wood...) It will be a step closer to the best mmo ever

# 4



7 năm trước

Hey that's a great idea Tree Knight! If Firefly agree to set this up, that would turn the game unique! This could bring new professions to players like tailor, blacksmith, carpenter, etc, and then many guilds will appear and..STOP! We require Firefly permission first xD

# 5


Tree Kinght

7 năm trước

Mr.Firefly I would really like to know your opinion on this idea.

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