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User Suggestions

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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8 năm trước

thought it would be nice to have a place where users can suggest game improvements, ideas and such. Here are mine :) I would love to see a tutorial I still don't know how to add friends :p. I also would like to be able to teleport to areas I've already discovered. If you lose your internet connection or something you are back home. That also leads to my next suggestion: make gold easier to get or give us a daily allowance. If internet connections fail and the only way you get a decent amount of gold is through discovering new stuff, well then you're in the same boat as me, broke as a joke lol anyway that's all I have for now, feel free to add something :)

# 2



8 năm trước

space is green posted some cool tips for new players: You should definitely check out the telecharger item (the funky looking remote). That one allows you to quickly save and load locations in the game world. Friends can be added via the website. As soon as you're logged in, navigate to the player page (see 'Players') of the player you want to add as a friend. Then type a message and press the 'send this friend request button'. As soon as the other players accepts the request (via the 'Friends' page in the box on the right), you can quickly telecharge to each other using the telecharger.

# 3



8 năm trước

When I wrote my post i didn't realize you could use your little device to save places you have been and teleport there. So yeah guys excuse me for suggesting a feature that already exists lol

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