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Looking for new friends!

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7 năm trước

Whatszupp mates? I was too focused in building my guild and totally forgot about something important in this game..FRIENDS! You can't do any @$#% without them! Even if you're me, Need help clearing your lands? Need a buddy to prevent your bass getting kicked? Need someone to chat? Like Friends theme, I'll be there for you ( ᐛ )و

# 2


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

FRIENDS, everybody has them FRIENDS everybody needs them Lol Well we're already friends so :)

# 3



7 năm trước

I've noticed that Steam has a comments section for Angledust. I went on it yesterday and the people commenting there are not the same people who comment here. Perhaps take a look over there if you're looking for new friends. We should bombard it with positive threads and good reviews.

# 4


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Right! It's so weird that I did not see any interchange of usernames. I like this forum a tad bit better because I tend to run into more active players who actually like the game, whereas on steam, those people will have had the game for a sec and talk about "there's nothing to do, help me". But your idea is nice, we should go recruit and bombard with positive threads lol

# 5



7 năm trước

I will also go attack steams chats for recruiting purposes. On that note though, do bear in mind some people (like me) may have had the same steam name for 10+ years and as such don't share it with current used usernames

# 6


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Ooo okay that's true. :)

# 7


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

Anyone who wants to can add me as well. Feel free to add me on steam (same handle). I go by "Ruedii" on the Kerbal Space Program forums and on most IRC servers.

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