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Griefer Hall of Shame, Entry #1

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7





4 năm trước

Sometimes a new player will claim a chunk next to yours, and there is no malicious intent. As new players "get on" in the game they learn about basic AD etiquette. It is not fair to accuse or call out someone that made a mistake and doesn't know any better. Players learn not to claim up other players favorite hunting grounds and to ask before you park your claim right up against another players building project. Accidents happen, people are forgiven, and eventually the AD Builder and Hunter's Code of Etiquette is understood. This is NOT the case with SOLITARIO. He is not a new player. He is not naive to what is going on. He knows the score. Repeat Offender. Repeat Griefer. Welcome to the Griefer Hall of Shame buddy! Time and time again SOLITARIO has purposely interfered with other players build sites. Sorry Stan and Rob12.... SOLITARIO strikes again! Using the alt 'hiago x13' he has claimed a bunch of chunks in the area that Rob12 and Stan hunt in. He has griefed other playes including a wonder builder, trying to interfere with the building of a wonder. He recklessly claims around people and does so without asking or being invited. He has been asked not to do this. He continues to do it. There's nothing much that can be done other than to warn people, and call him out. SOLITARIO, you are on notice! Welcome to the Griefer Hall of Shame. You get the 5 poo rating. (I don't care if you like this topic or not, it needs to be said)

# 2



4 năm trước

Even my land is also bought by myself and his other accounts, and what bothers me the most is that he buys around my land and makes me walls and encloses that land without being able to get out of there on that land. That is why I said about the idea of ​​a biome permission block for the owner who bought that land in that biome has a machine that is put on that land and only the owner can manipulate that machine that has the ability to make no player buy land in that biome and not be able to give tp to that place if the owner wants that person to be able to go there giving tp that that machine has that capacity also to make those who let give tp and save that place for tp. That machine could be called permission for that ability. It would seem good to me for situations like this

# 3



4 năm trước

The name of the player is: zooyhs for now his account that he uses for now is ToxBen_XD: I put it here for one reason only it is to insult people and threaten without any reason and create accounts with the Spanish flag or according to impersonate other people and then destroy their constructed things by deceiving them. They also just do is tell lies to make other people hate

# 4



4 năm trước

You get a rating of 10 poop

# 5


Alexi M

4 năm trước

Leyenda, stop blaming people just basing on your inexact thoughts. You have nothing to proof that ToxBen_XD is exactly Zooyhs and you just blamed him by nothing. Shame for you.

# 6



4 năm trước

It's zooyhs because he told me he was zooyhs and he was threatening me and things like thatI do not lie. I do not lie

# 7



4 năm trước

Leyenda, you can just mute him.

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7