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DEV: bugs, annoyances

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 63

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# 21



4 năm trước

I commend FF for adding something we can per-per-use in the game. It is "dance" which is a useless item that is intended for fun. It has no practical application. It is harmless, and he is using this to "test the water" on the concept. I like it because there is no point in earning game coins beyond the ability to purchase everything unless there is some way to use game coins, as an "actual economy." Call me Ayn Rand here but I think we need some sort of economic system so that we can utilize game coins. For now, we can dance!!!! Maybe next we can buy a cup of coffee, so we can sit and drink our 100 game coin cup of coffee (sip sip). Maybe in the future you can purchase bombs, power-ups, pay-per use structure cloning, pay per use "unclaim" - pay per use is a way to discourage the over use of things that should be used only selectively, perhaps the imitator block should be pay-per-use (*im gonna take some heat for that suggestion)

# 22



4 năm trước

As for the saddle: I just thought of a potential compromise. I know it isn't the prettiest, but this needs to be something very visible and comprehensible for new players. Here we go: How about making it an option in the options menu? By default it would be something like 'Saddle mode: all creatures' but you can toggle it to 'Saddle mode: only last ridden'. It's not as accessible as the shortcut/inventory distinction, but it would work as desired and be much more discoverable for new players. Makes sense?

# 23



4 năm trước

Great solution!

# 24



4 năm trước

Maybe my solution is best, having a requirement to actually select the saddle from inventory or from the hotbar. I do not believe that you give people enough credit in their ability to figure out a new game. Besides, new players have a tendency to manually select the saddle from inventory or the hotbar rather than using the 'E' key.

# 25



4 năm trước

@leyenda: to keep things clean, I've removed your cross-posted feature requests from this topic, because: 1.) they were feature requests 2.) you'd already posted them in another topic @ColtsWalker: I am really opposed to the inventory/non-inventory saddle design. It doesn't fit with my design sense and it's not an experience I want to offer players. I want a "better" solution.

# 26



4 năm trước

@all: I implemented the saddle mode as a menu option and it feels pretty good. It's easily discoverable this way and the functionality itself seems like a useful addition. The menu option is called 'Saddle mode' and you can select between 'all creatures' and 'restricted'. @Hummm: I tested a lot giving pet snacks to multiple creatures and retaming them works well. Make sure you retame in the same game session and the creatures are slightly apart so you know you're targeting the right one. You should be able to pull it off!

# 27



4 năm trước

Oh I have one: When you're at the top of the world, and look up, the claim borders disappear. A very minor annoyance, but still an annoyance.

# 28



4 năm trước

In response to, "@Hummm: I tested a lot giving pet snacks to multiple creatures and retaming them works well. Make sure you retame in the same game session and the creatures are slightly apart so you know you're targeting the right one. You should be able to pull it off!" Firefly - you are still missing the bigger problem. Player A, for example, breaks a cluster bunny. Player A wants to tame one of the pearl bunnies (eyes) and kill the other for credit. Player B, also present, pet snack spams everything thus rendering all of the bunnies that burst from the cluster into useless zero value null creatures that no one else may use their pet snack on nor kill for credit. In a sense, Player B now owns them all. Sure, Player B can pick from among them, which is ... great ... for Player B, but no one else present can select a pet nor kill one for credit. Player B has managed to null all of the bunnies. That is the problem. No one cares if Player B can reclaim one bunny (or any creature) from amongst the group of nullified creatures. It is everyone else present that is robbed. Furthermore, even though Player B can re-tame from those spammed creatures, Player B can not kill any of them for the kill credit since they've all been zero valued by the action of pet snack spamming. Three gold wolves appear before a hunting party. Player B pet snack spams the lot of them. Again, none of the wolves will provide gold when killed and only Player B can keep one as a pet. Pet Snack Spam! With a few clicks having pet snack in hand a player can grieve the heck out of a hunting party.

# 29



4 năm trước

I still consider losing my mount and having it de-spawn the most annoying experience I have when hunting. Teleporter with option to teleport mount creature to player current location. (requires recharge after user same as if the player teleported).

# 30



4 năm trước

A question firefly added new creatures to the game or they are not yet. I hunt and only see gold and roses.

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 63

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