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Suggestions for the game

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9





7 năm trước

Hello everyone, first I want to say that in fact I speak Spanish but all this I translated it with the Google translator in case they see a mistake Visit the original post: .It would be good to be at home or if you buy a certain block and put it in your house life will heal slowly. . Also you can see the damage caused by each weapon (the ones you have and those that can be bought in the store). . I hope you also put the opposite sex of each class and more weapons. . You can see the players on the server and there is an option to find players who speak their language. .to create or join factions or clans (as they call it, but they already understand the idea). . That the horses can be assembled. . That we can have pets that can be obtained by killing passive and aggressive animals with certain object. . Join npcs having quests .Buy better armor that will protect you better from enemies. . That they can make duels between the players, either by means of an invitation to fight or also in a coliseum, that for example if you have a winning streak they give you prizes.

# 2



7 năm trước

Maybe, very rare items (i.e. shields, swords, armor, wands, etc.) can be hidden (or buried) and found throughout the AngelDust world, which cannot be bought in The Shop.

# 3



7 năm trước

Agreed. A more "MMORPG" feel would be awesome. I believe in Firefly. It will definitely come out some day.

# 4



7 năm trước

Maybe, a Draw Bridge can be bought in The Shop for those of us that would like to build a Castle w/ a moat.

# 5



7 năm trước

It would be good if there was a feature to teleport to your friends claimed land, and also if you could see other peoples claimed land on the website, maybe under their house progress in their profile?

# 6


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

A mechanically functioning draw bridge would be difficult considering the current game setup. Currently you can make a bridge out of floor tiles, though.

# 7


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

Making ropes, pipes and columns work horizontally and diagonally would be nice, though. Adding a chain block would be cool too.

# 8


Quagmire Warrior

7 năm trước

Perhaps, there can be a Water Block sold at The Shop, so we can add water to an area, making it deeper. Also, if someone should step into water over his/her head, they can die by drowning. A Water Block would be great for a castle moat. Buying creatures at The Shop would be great, also, like a killer Crocodile, that Won't despawn (but can be killed), and can be thrown into the moat, for example.

# 9



7 năm trước

I definitely want crocodile in the castle moat now. About the leverage Bridge : maybe we can use it to make some use of the gears block :p

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