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Price money in the pvp

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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3 năm trước

I was wandering on the game with nothing to do, entered the pvp arena but I was completley alone. I think that maybe there could be some price money given every sertain time in the pvp arena to the player with most points to give alittle activity and purpose to it.

# 2



3 năm trước

I'd make use of that exploit :P

# 3



3 năm trước

Maybe something like a daily reward for 'Hero battle!' makes sense? Similar to the 'Play together!' thing? Only problem I see is that everyone needs to start grinding both daily for extra coins.

# 4



3 năm trước

Well I can think of a small idea: I could place strong creatures at the same time as the daily mission to earn pvp points or something like that could place at least 20 creatures that also shoot and place more difficult if the player has a high score of pvp also so that place does not look so deserted by the creatures

# 5



3 năm trước

Mmm, when I sugested it I was thinking more like a cycle of maybe 2 or 3 hours? where people play until the cycle ends, the winner gets some money and then the points reset to 0 and the cycle repeats. But now that I think about it, maybe it could break the game's economy this way and could be more viable doing it like a reward for simply participating in the pvp for a while.

# 6



3 năm trước

Technically the 1000 ish coins a day for free just by existing in "Play Together" is already broken the economy as it stands, due to each of the mobs you beat always drop coins, so if someone joined a year later for instance and someone has lets say 6,000,000 coins ahead of then for example, in this current setup, then that player will forever be ahead that much, and there is little that new players can do to catch up ever, Instead maybe it should be modular, people with 50K or less coins should get max 3000 coins a day, people with (500K coins to "50K +1 coin") should get max 2000 coins a day, and people higher than that gets the usual 1000 ish coins it's already at on "Play Together", anyone over 5M+ should get 500 coins still, that way there is a small catchup mechanic, or another option is make Gold giftable going down, from 1.25M and up people can gift max 10% or up to 125K to anyone that's not fortunate enough to know how to make coins, which it will deduct that amount from their account score and add to the other person's score, My money in game is not even worthy to make a mark any day in the Leaderboards and I will never reach it the way this game is programmed, there is literally no balancing or catchup involved and the older you are and the richer you are forever gives you that Edge in money and nobody will ever catch up, so that is my Beef with the money system, now I will state I do have playtime wise missed maybe 2 years possibly more in gameplay time if added all the days ever missed in totality. That's easily 700K+ given free to players that I will never get, that's why it's broken, if money was given based on what a person achieved in games like Quests that stick around forever, and 1 time bonuses for new blocks, biomes, mobs, etc. Then have it just at how many mobs they beat then yes it is possible for a person to farm mobs up till they catch up, and not everyone has 30 to 60 mins a day to always get the "Play Together" bonuses, some people like me can take up to a year or more break from a game, I have lots of health problems in real life so it seems unfair to have to fight to stay healthy and alive, and have to catch up like a million or so coins just to be decently on the leaderboard. :)

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