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3 năm trước

I went up that if 2 people do a Wonder only 1 wins the Dragon injustice that also wrong me in ?¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Ò~ Ó it is true? if it's true, explain to me why you put this on? !!!

# 2



3 năm trước

👍 ok ?!

# 3



3 năm trước

Firefly 👍 Ò~Ó?!

# 4



3 năm trước

I may be not Firefly but as a wonder builder I can give you some answers. Two players who have worked in a wonder can have both be a wonder builder badge if they wish to have it. If a whole team (like 10 people) works in a project that becomes a Wonder, things get more complicated with the current credit system in Angeldust. With that said, I'll let Firefly or other people to answer you if they wish to.

# 5



3 năm trước

Paxanima (RIP) was jointly built by two players and I solved that by giving both players one half of the wonder. I'm not sure how to handle cases where three or more players worked together, but we'll figure it out when we get there. Also: thanks to Paxanima (RIP) I can now hide wonders, so I can give players a wonder builder badge without having an actual distinct wonder to show for it. My best advice is to try and build a wonder first (that's the hard part) and not worry and care about the potential reward too much. Enjoy the journey, not the end goal.

# 6



3 năm trước

My two pence worth: The single architect or project leader is the true vision of a wonder build, only he or she should receive any benefit. All the helper bees get the satisfaction in knowing that they contributed. I have helped out in wonder builds and I never expected anything in return. Secondly, if you help a friend build a wonder, then next time that friend might help build the wonder of your design. Thirdly, not everyone that is good at building and following instructions is also capable of a great master design. Not everyone has the ability to be a wonder builder. I don't think there should be "Participation Ribbons" or what's the value of the badge? There is one visionary behind every great work of art as a general rule in life and I know if someone looks hard enough they can perhaps find an exception however it is the exception that proves the rule. As far as the dragon mount goes, do you realize that by making a donation to the development of the game you will get your dragon and you will also help to keep Angeldust online? I think there are a lot of people with their hand out looking for free stuff when this entire thing is actually a very expensive proposition. Maybe not everyone can buy or donate, and I get that, however beyond love, very few things in life that are worth having are truly gratis.

# 7



3 năm trước

(> ^ < ) my words are the only one, I only know that I hope to be able to win the Dragon and I understand how it is to know not to build many people from this game. I have also been through this, so I hope Firefly will enjoy my buildings and even stay with God until next # I'm not a SOLITQRIO

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