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Striped Road Project!

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 61–70 của 71

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# 61



5 năm trước

Looking beautiful! As far as I know, striped road v1 is finished and there's a cool surprise at the end of it. Everyone's still invited to build things along the road so that travelers have something to look at. Not sure if @space is green is doing another building project anytime soon (he should!).

# 62


Fort Pez lake

5 năm trước

Time to time I continue my works on my claims along the road. The road itself is done they say, but I didnt runt it all along yet.

# 63



5 năm trước

Was me ^ :)

# 64



5 năm trước

if any "late comers" would like build permissions along the road to integrate your build with the road: 1) send a FR to the account that owns the section in question (you may have to do that from this website, search Players, then send FR) 2) post in a new thread here on the forums (or use this one) who you are, and who you sent the FR to I "own" 80% of the road (all roadsterX and roadieX accounts), so chances are pretty high that I can grant you the permissions you desire. If it's someone else they too may need a "public" call out to see the FR. To walk/sprint the entire length takes about 10 hours... so plan to save along the way. (and do it in several sessions) I've started to add TPs along the way, but a) they're not complete, b) they spoil the adventure c) even if they were complete it would take ~ 45 minutes d) I'm intentionally not going to complete it I found the new legendary pink rhino last night by starting along the stripped road then moved north (away from the claims of the road)

# 65



5 năm trước

@Aoi Blue: I'm partial to the west looking view ;)

# 66


Aoi Blue

5 năm trước

@Hummm, of course you are! ROFL!

# 67


Aoi Blue

5 năm trước

BTW, how can the road be done, does it hit the end of the world, after all, once it hits 512 it should keep going and pass through.

# 68



5 năm trước

@Aoi Blue: sorry bud, I'm not going to spoil the surprise here in the forums. I'll tell you that level 512 is 1/2 way, but beyond that, you'll have to experience it yourself.

# 69


kegan felix

5 năm trước

request sent

# 70



5 năm trước

@kegan felix: please include the account you sent the FR to ... I really don't feel like signing into 55 accounts in search of your FR ... thanks!

Bưu kiện 61–70 của 71

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