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Angeldust v3.13

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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3 năm trước

Of course your Christmas present is the release of Angeldust v3.13, along with the Angeldust v4.4 Beta. Key features: – NPCs, using the photon imitator block – pasting text with right mouse button, Ctrl+V or Cmd+V – wonder loot – a new look for the photon imitator – all-round bug fixes and enhancements The update is rolling out on all stores right now. Some might take a bit longer than others. Because I already updated the server, there is no additional downtime. Next week I hope to add sitting behavior to the NPCs, I'll keep you posted!

# 2



3 năm trước

I have a few questions because I haven't kept up with livestreams but I read a bit on the forum. I made an NPC, gave him a name, color, a horse to ride and made him a path, but before I could stop him and turn him 90 degrees he went straight on until he hit an embankment. Now he seems to be stuck there. I am probably missing some info on NPC guidance. How do I A remove him altogether? or B get him unstuck by adding another path or something? Also what stickers do what please? I know you have not made guides yet. Cheers, Rob12.

# 3



3 năm trước

Never mind, he has now gone. They obviously go away after a while.

# 4



3 năm trước

Documentation is coming! In the meantime, you can scrap together most information from this Angeldust Dev! stream: I've polished most stuff that you see in there, so you can actually make NPCs navigate with any decal above ground and have them simultaneously perform a task with blocks underground.

# 5



3 năm trước

Oh boy, it's time to make a NPC battle ring

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