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NPC Marker Sticker/Stickers

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3 năm trước

I made a new topic because this issue is a different issue to my other sticker post but it could be incorporated into this discussion. In this post I would like to propose changing the NPC marker stickers from being all of the stickers to just 1 dedicated sticker which would be preferably invisible. I propose this because myself and other builders I know are having issues when it comes to our older builds that are covered in stickers like paintings and floor mats, but also because we have roads that use the line stickers and the NPC of course thinks its a line. Then there are the builds with no under floor level for photon blocks and second and third stories. Making an invisible sticker is still the way to go in my opinion because you would not usually put vines stickers in the road or the metal cross grate on the grass. So if you only have one dedicated sticker to negate all the other issues it should be something very small, neutral or invisible. By other issues I mean, paintings on walls or floor mats in other rooms attracting NPC's. If you have a path for an NPC on multiple levels you must use stickers and sometimes they have to be in the air (not on a ground level block) for them to work and the stickers look very odd in mid air. I have a perfect example of this at my palace in the Twelve Kingdoms there is a knight on a horse that rides off through the trees. I know that if Firefly were to adopt these proposed changes we would all have to change the builds we have made with NPC's using stickers so far, but I am willing to do that to have a better system in place.

# 2



3 năm trước

This would be great, the sooner the better. But if Firefly says it can't be done, due to lack of block ID... photon blocks underground still have more priority than stickers, so to battle the sticker nightmare in old builds, use photon blocks, underground.

# 3



3 năm trước

If Firefly can't add a new sticker block, i would like at least that all stickers aren't a marker anymore for NPCs. I would rather use photon block directly at the surface to make NPCs move. I'll explain why. At Countworth du Wilha, it's impossible to make the NPCs move because there isn't a underground level available. But i can't even make them also just stand, they follow any stickers and i do mean ANY even on walls witch makes it impossible to upgrade the build without some issues and weird behavior from NPCs. I do think that a new sticker block preferably invisible to make NPCs move would be a great addition.

# 4



3 năm trước

They shouldn't see stickers on walls as markers, that's a bug, if Firefly fixed that, it would probably help a lot. A texture-less sticker that has priority above all other stickers would still be amazing tho (other sticker should still act as markers when on ground, but have the least priority)

# 5



3 năm trước

Also: the matrix goggles mode would have a real use if we got a texture-less sticker haha

# 6



3 năm trước

I haven't documented NPC navigation yet, and maybe it's hard to reverse engineer it from just toying around. Here's some initial information to make your lives easier. NPCs only scan for markers (decal or empty photon block) when standing on a marker. So as long as an NPC is walking, it will not change direction and it's entirely unaffected by its surroundings. Once it does stand on a marker, the NPC will scan forward, rightward or leftward and if a marker is present in any direction, rotate and try to go there. Scanning takes place at ground level and just below ground. @Angelio: empty photon blocks already act as above-ground markers, too. I tried my very best to make sure everyone has plenty of options to backport NPCs to existing builds. The range of NPC marker scanning is eight blocks. You can (ab)use this to hide markers behind walls. I'm not sure if this is actually helpful since you need the NPC to stand on a marker to change direction. Also, eight blocks is plenty of reach to pull NPCs forward without having to spam many markers. Then, an intentional trick that follows from marker behavior: if you have an NPC scan a marker and then build it so that the NPC can never actually step on the marker, the NPC will journey forward forever without needing guidance. You can use this trick to make NPCs walk long stretches without having to place markers. Again, I've tried my best to make something that enables you to add NPCs to existing builds. But for the full power (and invisible markers) you need to plan your floors a bit more than before. That's the price of progress. Empty stickers will most likely not come to the game. I completely understand the arguments for having these, but currently I feel the downsides of having 'em outweigh the benefits.

# 7



3 năm trước

Also, a minor clarification: NPCs don't see stickers on walls or ceilings above them. But they will see any and all stickers that are at ground (feet) level. Usually these are sticking to a lower part of a wall. NPCs basically see in goggle 'matrix mode'. They check if a sticker is placed inside a cell, but they don't discriminate on the actual surface or direction the sticker is facing. As long as a sticker is there, it'll count as a marker to them.

# 8



3 năm trước

> Also, a minor clarification: NPCs don't see stickers on walls or ceilings above them. But they will see any and all stickers that are at ground (feet) level. Usually these are sticking to a lower part of a wall. Ooooooohhhhh, I see, ty for the clarification.

# 9



3 năm trước

@FF So you are basically saying older builds have to deal with it and newer ones now SHOULD have a second floor layer just for NPC control, which means all levels of a building SHOULD now contain at least 2 if not 3 layers in order to hide photon blocks sticking out under the roof of a lower level? Or use less stickers? Also did you even listen to me about using NPC's on more than one level? Once you tell them to go walkabout and they step down one level it is almost impossible to get them back in control. Stickers and photon blocks don't seem to work properly after that. Did you not see how messy it makes things look when you try to improvise? But if you say no more changes then so be it, I will shut up and get over it.

# 10



3 năm trước

> Also did you even listen to me about using NPC's on more than one level? Once you tell them to go walkabout and they step down one level it is almost impossible to get them back in control. Stickers and photon blocks don't seem to work properly after that. Did you not see how messy it makes things look when you try to improvise? @Rob12: There are easy ways to fix that, I've made NPCs walk up and down stairs without issue. Hit me up next time we're both online and I'd gladly show you.

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