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3 năm trước

THE GREAT REVELATION 🚨🚨🚨 We know that life on AngelDust is not easy! But what we didn't know is that AngelDust was not just a place for good people ... is gossip was investigating a group of powerful and very important people in AngelDust, unfortunately I was not able to give permission to expose their names, but I can give tips on who they are, so pay close attention to my future stories I will give tips on who are involved in this story. I'll start by counting from the beginning. One of my informants was missing for long days, when he reappeared he told me that he escaped from a dungeon (PRISON). Soon after he discovered Confidential news from the powerful of AngelDust, he was kidnapped and imprisoned for days, this morning was when he managed to escape to bring this news to us, and what I will tell you in this matter and in the future is in fact surreal. One of AngelDust's Great Powers would be manipulating evidence of crimes he himself committed in order to be able to accuse others, and one of the people who will be accused soon is the leader of the Royal Guard Clan, she is in serious danger, and maybe she could be trapped for eternity if captured, what do the powerful want with it? We don't know (YET) but we will find out to unmask them, I gossiping invite the policeman Gran Police to help me unravel this mystery that until then has just begun! Stay tuned I will bring more bombastic news on this subject soon. Unfortunately I was not allowed to tell everything! Sooner I will have it, I am contacting an AngelDust judge to give me this authorization so that I can tell them the whole story. There is no player who hides something from me.🕵🏽‍♀️🐾 📜Here's the first tip: One of the powerful has a marvel built and tested to incriminate them for crimes. Article link:

# 2



3 năm trước

Ignore the error in the title, my keyboard corrected and there was no time to notice.🕵🏽‍♀️🐾

# 3



3 năm trước

I hope that after that news I will be cleared. : (

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