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TAB Key Static Binding dispite remap

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 16

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3 năm trước

Of priority to me when remapping my game controls is freeing both the Alt and Tab keys from game actions so that I am free to use the Operating System Desktop hotkey combination of Alt-TAB to go into and out of Angeldust to my other running Application. This way I can play AD on my work desktop and still quickly Alt-TAB to my company CRM when I get a call. I've freed up my Alt key thanks to your new remapping ability, and also remapped the Inventory however find it is still binding to the TAB key. The TAB key binding remains a constant and immune to custom remapping, at least on my Linux based system. I am not sure if this is also true for Windows users and I have yet to test it on Macintosh. Like many MS Windows users, on my Linux machine I am very used to using Alt-TAB to switch between running applications. This is an old habit that I also find convenient. I Alt-TAB frequently. Can you explore the option to unbind the TAB key to Inventory, or make it clear when a custom Inventory key mapping is user defined with this latest release of AD client? Possibly a bug? TAB Key binding static / does not clear when user defines custom key binding for Inventory. I guess it could be a bug aka minor oversight. I am curious if the TAB key binding is static for Windows users... anyone?

# 2



3 năm trước

Oh and BTW - Custom key mappings is so magnificent and will be a big benefit to many. I am very happy to be able to use this new feature.

# 3



3 năm trước

I'm listening, but you don't mention the actual problem you are running in to. Can you state what problematic behavior currently happens and what you wish would happen instead? (I mean: I'm well aware that Angeldust uses the Tab key, I use it dozens of times each day, but that isn't a problem in itself.)

# 4



3 năm trước

Default behavior: Pressing TAB, I, or (I forget whatever the other key is) brings up the Inventory menu interface. So, I use the new feature to map the Inventory menu to something different. This successfully maps the new control to bring up the Inventory, and unbinds the "I" key. However, the TAB key remains in binding to the Inventory menu. I don't wish to have the TAB key bring up the AD Inventory menu which is why I attempted to remap it in the first place. Remapping a game key is not only for the purpose of providing an alternative key to trigger an event or menu, also to prevent the previous key from triggering the event or menu. My goal: Pressing the TAB key triggers nothing in the AD game client. This is currently not possible as the TAB key binding remains static even though I have remapped the Inventory menu to an alternative key.

# 5



3 năm trước

Do I understand the issue correctly by saying that the problem is the Tab key-bind existing in the executable, and that you do not experience any functional or technical degradation due to it? Maybe you left out a crucial detail, but in your posts you list zero side effects of Tab being bound. If so, and it may sound silly, my best advice would be to forget that Tab is bound at all, and just not press it if you don't want to. For background: Tab is a hardcoded UI action in Angeldust because it switches form fields on most operating systems. People complained about a lack of Tab functionality in the early days so I kind of added a sort-of-Tab thing to the form fields. Since it is hard-bound anyway, it makes opening the inventory much more ergonomic for WASD-players compared to the (also hard-bound) Esc key. I use Tab dozens to hundreds of times each day for its combined navigation, back and inventory purposes. Unless there are functional or technical reasons to change Tab-behavior I'm a fan of keeping it as-is.

# 6



3 năm trước

I want to be able to press ALT - TAB to switch from Angeldust to other running software WITHOUT Angeldust menus popping up or things happening in Angeldust. I have a valid, logical, and good reason for this. Again, one of the reasons for custom key bindings is to UNBIND an annoying game hotkey that interferes with other software or the desktop manager as well as bind useful game hotkeys to suit a player. I am not alone. Another player I had never met before brought it up during one of your live streams. Why? Because it seems rather axiomatic. More than once the Angeldust game seems to use hotkeys reserved for operating systems such as the example I pointed out in the past with the Apple Mac. Not trying to be "toxic" here but it doesn't seem that unreasonable to have the expectation that custom key binding would work for this game the same as it would for the other games that offer this commonplace feature. It is not a consistent behavior within your own game. Why not have it unbind and match the behavior of all the other hotkeys when you remap them? Why have it, the TAB key, be "different" for no logical reason? I can't figure it. Feels like a bug, a simple oversight, a "whoops." It feels like there is pushback whenever a bug is reported. I think you just overlooked this and don't want to deal with all of the hassle that goes along with releasing another binary. I understand that the way these play stores work it is no picnic to have to release an update or bug fix. But a bug is a bug. I take the time to report this and I'm just gettin the brush-off!

# 7



3 năm trước

Coltswalker, I'm not getting a brush-off vibe from FF... I'm getting: What's the real issue? Although, in No6 it looks like you finally got specific. On my Mac, while running AD, Cmd-tab brings up an OS "list" of Icons for the running apps and lets me toggle through the list. Neither, leaving nor returning to AD via this method results in the inventory popping up. On my Linux machine Alt-tab DOES bring up the inventory (app switching still works, but ya, popping the inventory is annoying) On Windblows, Alt-tab also does not bring up the inventory... so looks to be a Linux only issue.

# 8



3 năm trước

If you ask me, having the inventory auto open up is much better than not. On Windows, like Hummm said, the inventory doesn't open up, BUT, once you tab out and move your mouse to do stuff and go back into the game, the whole thing glitches out and you end up looking straight up or down or somewhere completely different than you wanted to... I assume it has to do with moving the mouse once tabbed out, but not 100% sure. Whenever I alt tabbed, I actually manually opened the inventory to prevent that, so I did: tab, alt+tab every time I wanted to tab out. Having the game auto-open the inventory is a key press saved (which is what you value a lot), not lost (unless Linux wouldn't have the issue Windows has when playing and alt tabbing without opening the inventory first) I would say instead of taking away alt+tab opening inventory from Linux, rather add it to Windows as well.

# 9



3 năm trước

@ColtsWalker: I am not brushing you off. I was intentionally forcing you to specify in words what your problem is, so I can actually fix it. That's my method for software and requirements engineering—I can't fix underspecified bugs. If you are a good sport, please reread your OP, and post #2 and #4. Those don't describe the technical or functional problem you actually run in to. That is why I gently poked you in #5 to find your issue. I would've gladly gone on until you had steam coming out of your ears. In #6 you describe the actual issue, thanks. There's many ways a fix could go. macOS behavior is very sane—not passing global OS keypresses to applications. Windows is second-best by ignoring the actual Alt-Tab. Linux is rather finicky by having both the window manager and the application handling Alt-Tab. @obi- is also somewhat on the right track: SDL does weird things when a window regains focus in 'mouse capture' mode, dumping weird inputs that make the camera swing around. I know some games that always switch into menu mode on app-switch because of this. So, ultimately—you are on Linux and you don't want Alt-Tab to affect Angeldust? You are already content with unbinding Alt manually? Then my suggestion for a fix would be for Angeldust to ignore Tab presses when Alt is held. On macOS and Windows this doesn't have any effect and on Linux it would fix your problem. Sounds good? (As far as I know Alt-Tab only works if you start with Alt and then add Tab. I have never seen an OS where it works by starting with Tab and then pressing Alt.)

# 10



3 năm trước

Please make it so the player can unbind the TAB key from the game. This will solve the problem. This would match the behavior of the other game controls when the player chooses to remap them. This would be consistent and also avoid any issues if the player (me in this example) wishes to use the ALT-TAB combination to switch back and forth from some other application (in my case a CRM software when I get an incoming phone call from a customer) and the AngelDust game (me when I choose to deviate from my work responsibilities during the day and zone out in AD between incoming phone calls). I know of one other player that brought up the ALT-TAB issue specifically during a live stream. I think this is more common than you realize. I think a properly working keyboard remap feature would address some of the critical reviews I have read on Discord. People like to customize things to fit their preferences and gaming style. Forcing me to explain it better? Again, it seems self evident that the single hotkey fails to unbind when a remap is created as it is inconsistent with the way the customization works for the other game hotkeys. Prodding me to justify the addressing this defect is probably better for sport than for progress. Any of your typical "alternative" suggestions will leave an unsatisfactory result. There is no reason to retain TAB a static binding in the game after the user has purposely attempted to remap the Inventory menu to another control. It is an unnecessary barrier that imposes something onto the player, which you should be motivated to provide an enjoyable experience. I mean, I am glad that Obi enjoys using the TAB key and he loves the game so much he has declared he shall no longer construct new building projects in the game. With the bug fix I suggested, Obi can have cake and so can the rest of us. Everyone gets cake! If I don't release ALT-TAB in the right order (as I sometimes don't as I am human) then the inventory menu pops up in AD. Usually if I try to ALT-TAB back to AD quickly because I hear that I am being attacked, then I find that stupid Inventory menu has come up thus further delaying me from trying to prevent my hero in the game from being forced to take a nap and take a coin penalty. That is not enjoyable as a player experience since it is something that could so easily be remedied by the developer properly implementing custom keyboard mapping. I would spend more time in AD if it didn't interfere with my other tasks/software so much. If TAB remains static since you seem more interested in defending this oversight aka bug, then I will simply avoid running AD on the office computer during the day and probably get more work done, or find some other distraction to indulge in from time to time, with the latter being most probable. For some it is Windows Solitaire, for me it is AngelDust. Don't worry, I still get my work done on time.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 16

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