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FireFly Stream Suggestion.

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7 năm trước

I noticed Firefly streams a lot and I think that in itself is very cool. What I'm suggesting I am not sure if he has ever done or take interest in doing. I have not played long enough to know for sure but I will just mention it anyway. Now going on hunts with us is very fun, but I feel that it is only showing half of what the game truly offers. I feel that people have some very nice builds and I thought it would be cool if sometimes instead of the hunt he had a short list of a few builds that he finds worth showing of in his streams. It might be neat to warp to people's builds and look around and it might show the building aspect of the game. Also while showing off people's hard work. Might even give him more free time to socialize and answer questions. Also I am sure it would make some players feel really special having something they have built show up in streams. Like I said I don't know if he already does that or is interested in doing it but I figured I would at least mention it.

# 2



7 năm trước

That is a good idea, and would really showcase the building side of the game.

# 3



7 năm trước

Back on November 30th 2016, Firefly was doing the daily livestreams as usual, but that day is sort of special... because it marks the last day before the major 'Claimable Land and Random Group' mechanics and buttons were added... almost all the livestreams before November 30th, Firefly would begin the event by always teleporting to a player's house in the main village/town, very much to show off their builds, and then they would head into the wilderness from that player's house. ... With the claimable land update + Random Group button mechanic, that tradition changed to mostly just start right away by pressing Random Group instead of visiting player houses. :P But... I do remember hearing that, once in awhile, in the future, maybe they would go back to the old tradition of visiting a player's house at the start of a livestream, for old time's sake. But... mostly these days the focus is on using the Random Group mechanic for livestreams, and player builds are given a spotlight through official Twitter and Steam posts ! Angeldust Live! #98 V2.7 SOON! All livestreams below #98 (all livestreams before November 30th 2016) you can re-watch to see how the old tradition of visiting player's houses in the main village/town (and their builds) used to be like. :) Maybe the tradition shall return in future livestreams, who knows! :P

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