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Time for suggestions!

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 16

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3 năm trước

Hi, here are some of my suggestions and ideas, (I know, some of them are rubbish) 1- I think that the character selection is best done after login, because when you do it before, it's as if the characters have nothing in common, but actually they share everything except weapons/tools. so I think changing it would encourage new players to switch characters because they will know from the beginning that they keep the same progress. 2- some features like searching for a player by name, changing claims names, modifying characters, entering lottery code... can be added directly to the game, in the options or telecharger, without having to use the website. The game has access to the database after all. if the website is that important, then is it possible to play directly in the browser? :D 3- I'm not sure about this, but discovering a new creature by riding or taming should be possible, without the need to kill another one for the discovery bonus 4- being unable to use holo charger or teleport to a friend if the destination is in an area not discovered yet, may give more challenge to the game (make it less boring), and add difficulty to secondary accounts. Except the wonders 5- what if you give voices to roamers? that way they appear like villain with conscience, not by instincts... 6- bad weather in some areas, like strong wind making the advancement in a direction harder, a storm blowing floating entities, small earthquakes disorienting players 7- some creatures can place blocks/walls, can they be used as a builder bot? a block to summon it like the photon imitator, and give it the direction and number of blocks in a dialog... 8- since the npcs can move and follow the players directions, is it possible to make a version of the imitator that moves all the blocks attached to it? in this case there will be structures shaped by players like cars and robots with npcs inside, moving and stoping due to obstacles, like how the npc acts. 9- new quests can be added, like asking the players to look for a treasure chest spawned in a random wonder 10- attacking above mounts isn't possible, but placing blocks and using the shovel is. You know, horses were used in wars. so maybe you can enable it but reduce the damage when riding mounts.

# 2



3 năm trước

Time for quick replies! 1- it's a bit late into the entire design of the game to mess with hero selection mechanics. I think the current system is pretty good, though going with any different system would bring upsides, as well as new downsides. 2- a good point. In-game UI stuff takes me ages to develop compared to an HTML page where I can fall back on browser behavior. Over the years I've moved more and more stuff into the game, but I don't expect to have the resources to migrate everything in-game anytime soon. 3- in very early development the game had this mechanic. Just being near a non-hostile creature would let you discover it. I get that lots of players don't want to shoot a horse—it's admittedly a bit of a dumb mechanic to have. Once this becomes the game's major pain point I'll see if I can address it. 4- I don't want to limit players' ability to play together, so maybe it would be the other way around: you can telecharge to your friends or destination, but you wouldn't discover areas while doing so. On the other hand, being able to show a new player new stuff is pretty fun, so not a big fan of limiting this interaction. 5- talking roamers! Head explode!!1!11 6- I'm working on adding lightning/thunder—other atmospheric effects might be cool too, thanks for the idea. Design-wise I'm not a big fan of steering/hampering/limiting/restricting player movement as it takes away agency. 7- I am very proud of the players who build and have built giant stuff by hand, block by block. The recent introduction of the bulldozer helps with the most common scenario of cleaning terrain. I'm afraid a build-bot would deteriorate the build quality and impressiveness of larger structures. In my head it's a fine line between comfort and artistry. 8- this would be a HUGE new feature that's totally impossible right now. The idea of slapping a photon imitator on a set of blocks is the easy part, the hard part is making the entire concept of dynamic blocks and stuff work! So, very cool idea, but also very impossible at the moment :D 9- sure! I think there's room for some diversity in tasks or quests. I'm working on something right now that will bring new challenges, stay tuned! 10- attacking while riding a creature has come up a few times before. Cool idea. Artwork is limiting me greatly. It's been on my list since close to forever. Maybe I'll get around to it one day. In all: cool ideas you've got, thanks for posting them. I'm really sorry that I currently can't commit to the bulk of them as I'm working on some earlier requests and proposals. But your post is in my head now and you never know when things crystallize.

# 3



3 năm trước


# 4



3 năm trước

nice diverse list of ideas, mostly well thought out, even if a majority of them are incompatible with the current direction. Thanks FF for taking the time to address each one. I'd like to see the daily quest modified: remember each quest as given, but allow anyone to catch up after the fact. That way, someone who joins today can binge quests and make it on to the leaderboard. (still not #1 due to secondary sort criteria) ... side benefit, people forming groups for a specific quest creature: "Hey, I'm hunting for Weedlers, anyone want to help?"

# 5



3 năm trước

That makes sense, thanks for the replies. "stay tuned" everyone likes this sentence xD Hummm got a good point, otherwise new players need years to reach high positions leaderboard, not to mention the top positions occupied by hummmonsters

# 6



3 năm trước

For some reason I imagine the talking roamers like parrots that repeat the last thing you said. @firefly: Sorry if this is a bit intrusive, but about the wall build bot, I don't think it compromises that much the artistic results of the buildings. I mean if you have a very detailed building in mind, you might be able to only instabuild one or two walls and then build the rest by hand to acomodate to what you're planing. Or instabuild the walls and then replace parts with the blocks you want. I think it's just another tool to make building things a bit faster/easyer.

# 7



3 năm trước

Hey that binge quests sounds awesome! Would be great to see that implemented so that anyone can catch up on the quests whenever they're free :D

# 8



3 năm trước

Hi, back for another round of suggestions. (please bear with me lol) 11- npcs shouldn't be attracted to a lot of items and stickers, so they can coexist in the same area, like pillows and paper notes. same for photon block. maybe adding an invisible block specially used for npc directions may resolve the problem, or similar to mimic block in appearance, or only visible with goggles... 12- I won't ask for torches or campfire, but I 'd like the lava to be harmful (which is realistic), because a damaging block will bring more sense and challenge to mini games like parkour, and jokes between friends 0;-) 13- you need level 5 to unlock void battles, and then what? nearly everything is discovered from the start and can be bought with coins, so the game becomes a bit boring once you buy interesting tools aside from decorations. why not try to make the best use of xp and levels by requiring a level to unlock some items? such as mimic block, photon imitator, treasure,... even useful weapons like web trap, air shield wand and dispenser... 14- I think it is not easy for players to meet each other, thats why I suggest a world spawn/location that everyone can easily access, like with the wonder button. And/or displaying the number of online players in a corner, and the list of their names in a page like the map in telecharger 15- if some players complain about claim grief, and unclaiming isn't possible, then my suggestion is adding protection mode: if the player enables it when claiming a land, then all the lands surrounding it become protected from other players for a period of time (10days.), (as if he claimed them too but he can't build there until he pays the price) (optional: except his friends with build perms, for his other alts) example: x=claimed; o=protected ooo oxo ooo oooooo oooooo ooxxoo oooooo oooooo Kind regards

# 9


Cristoo 175

3 năm trước

One problem is that there are very few things to play alone and I would like to know if we could have more materials.

# 10



3 năm trước

I have small ideas like its more or less good done as you want. 1- It will be good if there is a new character, right? or whereas it is possible to instead that in to a man knight that his be a woman knight as his in to be it on the sex. 2- can be add new even more legendary weapon, 3- that it is a dungeon or other biome like a giganstec ocean 4- I just got an idea why not add boats? 4,5- or kind can buy potions that allow you to run faster, swim faster, double damage, double jumps, jump higher. 5- will it be possible in the future to speak directly to it in vocal?

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 16

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