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We going to have underground lands?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9





7 năm trước

This week I've been playing other block games, mainly Trove & Block 'n Load.. BUTT!! Somehow i missed Angeldust magic, the feeling of no worry, no pressure or that RPG ideology: "I need money! I need cash! I need to be rich for POWER AARGHH!!" Now that I'm back, I noticed we can't dig to china at this game, how about underground lands on future? Like 50 - 100 blocks? then some crazy guy going to build Umbrella Corporation hive and turn everyone in zombies!

# 2



7 năm trước

Well I don't know the true possibility of that happening, I would have to say awesome ideas.

# 3


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

I know you can tunnel into mountains. However, it would be cool if an area types was added that had caves under mountains or plateau. (The caves could even be considered a second area for the purpose of monster spawning and exploration if the engine can be adapted to handle it.) I'd recommend Firefly use the method other procedurally generated voxel-based games use, which is to simply generate a second pass of tunnels and carve them out. There are few algorithms that can both create land and caves.

# 4


Alan Bernard

7 năm trước

That would be neat and would help out with adding new areas. As long as it doesn't increase server strain, I like that idea.

# 5



7 năm trước

First of all we could dig out some cool underground areas. It would be possible to build a massive roof of earth and rock covering numerous claims (as long as it were 5 or 6 blocks thick, I think it would blot out the light. This being said these type of interior areas quickly start to appear to be just as huge as they are. It's an enormous area and in order to have it appear as we're talking about here it would need to be extremely detailed and decorated. This would take lots of time and work. (I believe it would be easiest to build such a underground cavern from the top down; which would mean putting decorations and lights on the ceiling first, working down the walls and finally the floor, digging down as progress is made. Once the huge cavern is dug out, the ceiling and walls would likely not be easily accessible. So the thing cannot even be dug out first. It could be done, but it would take planning and phases of construction and follow through. And communication if more than one person was working on the project; or else end up with a bunch of tunnels and no decent way to connect them. Tunnels are boring to walk down if they aren't decorated. It's rocks, rocks, rocks, and more rocks. The whole way through the tunnel that's what you're looking at. ***** I thought Firefly said that he didn't like what 'underground areas' did to one of the mobile platforms. I hate quoting him like this but it was during one of the live streams and that's all he said about it. I might be wrong about that or it might have changed (but I thought he said it wasn't going too) or whatever. So all I know is that we could dig them, the area is there; it would just be a massive undertaking.

# 6



7 năm trước

Then after all this designing, building, and digging is done, if it's done right, nobody would ever see it because it would be buried underneath the earth. People would walk over top and not know it's there. Seems cool that it's hidden until you realize that it makes building it almost pointless. So after you'd need some way to draw people in so they could find/ see it. All of this could be done.

# 7


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

Another thing is having some areas that variate the land. (Play with the various settings on the generator to make it higher, lower, have steeper cliffs, etc.) This could integrate well with telling which areas could have caves added. Finally we need generated dungeons and castles. These should be generated from user contributed components.

# 8



7 năm trước

The way it's set up now there wouldn't be any creatures in if not all of, at least a major part of these areas. Another thing to mention about this would be that the sorcerers can't shoot inside. Running backwards and firing desperately usually works... It's not something I would want to go in with as the only strategy of play, if there were to be creatures in there.

# 9


Alan Bernard

7 năm trước

I have to agree. Angeldust isn't that stressful and doesn't have an extremely competitive economy or scamming, so it makes for a much more co-operative game environment.

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