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clan the 4 forces recruiting people

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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7 năm trước

====================================================================================================al people from angeldust we need your help for a project where building the biggest clan ever made. but if we want this to work, we need your help building and being handy. where going to do events like group lvl and races. we are also building right now as you read this our castle for the clan if you want to know the ranking system here it is ==================================================================================================== ranks ==================================================================================================== we have the lowest ranks those are just the builders archers knights wizards than we have the people who have permision and can build on the land those are one rank higher than we have rank 3 those are the people who can discuss things whith the leader and think out new events and stuff also the can set out the building plans for the people who can build than whe have rank 4 also known as the 4 leaders these are the true leaders of every class the are the people which have to ensure that everything goes well in every class and than we have the leader of leaders who is the boss of averything you cant become it but you can become one of the 4 leaders u can rank up by being here and help out ==================================================================================================== plz join me and the clan and we can become the biggest, hope to see u soon ==================================================================================================== join us on ==================================================================================================== join now: and theres also coming a website for further quastions ans stuff ====================================================================================================

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