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vor 8 Jahre
this is so weird i can run dota, (high FPS game on my potato laptop) but i get reckted by angledust game.. even when afk.. i getting lag and more lag... there is no cure? wat kind sorcery is this.. even i walk in vilagge it said lag... ping show lag... ??? wat wrong with my id.. and forced to dc.. relog can;t... w8 5-10 mins can relog.. now i lag forever... hope after update i not lag again thx.. -_-a i can;t even build and demolist building on my vilage it laggin animation (i reinstall the angledust game) and it still lag... wat wrong is this.. i already turn off all antivirus... still lag (i think i can;t play this game from my laptop anymore) :( hope conection to my laptop and the game get better soon... can;t even play solo.. farm {i got doomed} IDK wat to do -_-a
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