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vor 4 Jahre
Introducing Angeldust Creator Kit—content creation and Angeldust modding: Angeldust Creator Kit contains extensive documentation, graphical assets and modding tools to complement the content creation features in Angeldust. If you are unable to open .zip-files, here's a direct link to the PDF without any bundled files: Feedback on content, typos and improvements is very welcome!
vor 4 Jahre
@obi-: I also think the full list would not only be cool, but offer tremendous value to content creators. Now that /sl is officially documented in Angeldust Creator Kit it already opens up the way for players to poke around. As a player you need to accept that poking around in 'spoiler territory' will spoil things compared to the regular, intended game experience. From a cognitive point of view: once you switch to creating content, Angeldust becomes a 3D-modeling application rather than a video game. For that role, it seems best to offer all relevant documentation. Others are of course welcome to chime in on this discussion. There's plenty of room for both agreement and alternate points of view.
vor 4 Jahre
Updated to Angeldust Creator Kit v3.15a: – added 'Creating NPCs' – updated 'Take a screen shot' The link is above in the OP. Let me know if the NPC documentation is sufficient. It's pretty hard without including pictures (for now), but I tried to word things clearly. Feedback from @Kitten303 and friends would be much appreciated.
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