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FYI: Wonders

in English in Forums

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2 years ago

Wonders are a hot topic in Angeldust—mostly everyone wants to be a wonder builder. Get a rare badge and ride a drakeling! It's an amazing career path in the game that makes you and your work shine. Your beautiful buildings can even make it into a spectacular Angeldust trailer, sometimes even with a cool time-lapse shot. Over the years I've noticed a few common elements to what makes a successful wonder. In the hopes of making everyone's attempts more fruitful, here are a few tips. 1.) Make something unique. A great wonder revolves around a focused element or theme that a visitor will take away and remember after their visit. 2.) Stay focused. Once you have decided on your unique selling point, make everything in the wonder subservient to your goal. 3.) Less is more. A wonder isn't just countless blocks, trees and buildings put together. Breathing room and empty space encouraging exploration are essential. 4.) Let a player seek out their own path within. Make something open and multidimensional without forcing players into a linear sequence of vistas. Give players ample of ways to go in different directions. 5.) Be true to yourself. Try to make something you personally believe in, that you are personally interested in. Motivation will come and go, but if you stick to something you want to do it makes things a lot easier. Don't copy or emulate others. These tips sort of naturally lead to a wonder being something that is pre-planned, ever evolving and built with dedication to its core philosophy. As with most great art and art forms, you make a wonder from the start. It doesn't appear without conscious involvement.

# 2



2 years ago

Game- and moderation-wise I can offer a few more tips and guidelines on my psyche: A.) To apply for a wonder: send me a private message (PM) via the website that explains you want me to review your build as a wonder. Include the X- and Y-world map coordinates for the claimed land that I should begin at. B.) My time as a solo dev is scarce. I will gladly visit your build on my conditions when I am available. This may take up to several weeks. Be prepared to wait a bit while I schedule my visit. C.) I am not an architect or miracle worker. You alone decide how to make your wonder. If I don't like your build (yet) I can't give tips for improvement, just my subjective thoughts on what I experienced. D.) Use existing wonders for inspiration. Inspiration. Inspiration. See what makes them work. Don't copy wonders block-for-block. Inspiration. Do not copy. Inspiration only. I hope you get the point :D And I have somewhat come up with a new rule to facilitate game world moderation and make it slightly easier on wonder builders: I.) Subject to my judgement I will reserve the right to unclaim lands in or near an existing or future wonders to allow the original builder to expand and/or improve their work. In the past I've sort of made exceptions to my major guideline of 'never unclaiming' for this exact scenario, so let's codify it. It's still dependent on my judgement, but it allows a bit more flexibility when dealing with obvious grief claims. Especially when they add nothing artistically or creatively to the wonder they are in.

# 3



2 years ago

I'd encourage existing and aspiring wonder builders to share their tips here, find contacts to discuss works-in-progress with and to just generally spur discussion of in-game wonders as an art form. Be mindful that in-game coordinates are best shared via a private message or private chat with trusted players. Sharing coordinates publicly will lead to grief claims that I won't unclaim without good reason.

# 4



2 years ago

Little tip from me: If you want to show off your wonder but Firefly is not necessarily available for a week(s). Make a video/trailer showing off your project build with music and a dynamic editing (cool transition for example between one shot to another, I advise against changing the colorimetry of your video). This could potentially motivate Firefly to take a closer look at it sooner than if the video hasn't been made (I do not guarantee this to actually work). Also, I strongly advise to plan this video so that it can be presented during Firefly's live stream. This will allow him to add more content during his live, and also for you to impress the community or receive tips to improve your build. (your welcome) :-)

# 5



2 years ago

Wow! @Angelio's tip is great, thanks for posting it! If I have a good idea of what to expect from a build it really motivates me to visit. Even though I wasn't consciously aware of this phenomenon I can 100% assure you it is the case.

# 6



2 years ago

All great tips Firefly & Angelio too. Exactly what I try to tell any builders hoping to construct a Wonder. One more tip from me: Try not to tell everyone about your wonder plans, as someone else might want to copy your original idea's or even try to interfere with your build. Just let the people you really trust know, if you want to. Use as many alt accounts as you like to make sure you claim enough land and make sure you claim extra land as a buffer zone as well, to ward off any potential unwanted claims. You may one day need more space to expand into, even after you have initially finished. Be patient, patient, patient, don't rush and don't set yourself unrealistic goals and time limits. It only adds pressure on you that you don't need. You will know when you have finished because you will be truly happy with your build.

# 7



2 years ago

Great tips and all but the real question is ff gonna hire other peapole to review wonder.

# 8



2 years ago

@fatih+ ... easiest question EVER to answer: No. Hell no.

# 9



2 years ago

FYI: Today I've invoked rule 'I' listed above to unclaim five lands inside of Mister_Master's (hidden) wonder "Palace of the Soviets". These lands appeared to be abandoned and were preventing construction and expansion of the wonder. @Mister_Master requested I take a look at the situation a few months ago and I saw no progress or building activity in these claims during this period. I've sent private messages to all five players involved, and refunded them 1,000 coins for the land claim.

# 10



2 years ago

Unrelated to recent communication about wonders I bring you a new, enforceable rule: II.) Wonders can only be applied for using, and listed on your main player account. From hereon out, I will carefully investigate each wonder application on this and ask for more information or outright reject wonders when an application seems dubious. This rule prevents badge inflation, where we get many 1-wonder alt accounts listed instead of properly categorizing and assigning each wonder to its main builder account. It's the same as hiding alt accounts from the other leaderboards. I think the current wonder roster naturally gravitated towards this ideal situation, but I want to make sure it remains that way. I hope everyone sees the reasonableness in this rule.

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