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New Angeldust!

in English in Forums

Post 41–50 of 81

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# 41



11 months ago

@stompy: thanks for the hugely detailed post explaining some of the UO mechanics. I'll let this brew in my mind for a while and see if anything comes out that we can easily use in Angeldust. Even though the games' scopes and team sizes vary greatly there might be some low hanging fruit that I can pick. @obi-: the building tools are noted. I don't think having these on the website would make sense though—they all seem like very visual transformations of claim contents and being able to preview and see the results quickly would be helpful I think. Also: should I worry about devaluing existing builds by making some forms of block placement automated? I mean, the main draw right now is that each block in the game has been individually placed. Artisanal. Am I an Angeldust hipster? @Rob12: I understand your aversion to change. I promise I'll do my very best to keep the game what it is, except better. In the past I would worry when introducing new mechanics because I didn't want Angeldust to become an "only do the new thing" game. But ultimately we've always reverted to a healthy blend of common use. In fact, mostly nobody is doing PVP, mostly nobody is doing quests and mostly nobody is doing dungeons. After a month of casino playing mostly nobody will be casino playing :-)

# 42



11 months ago

@Firefly: [Build tools] Perhaps the website could offer a village house like view of the claim? Input a series of transforms, and it shows you the image of before/after, then you press confirm or something similar. Even if the tools are just abstract buttons and input fields on the website, builders would eventually become proficient enough with them to really speed up their process. At least until an in-game solution appears. Having these tools wouldn't devalue existing builds, if anything, the game would get more, better wonders. Some spam of use cases: I think Rob would have really enjoyed having these tools when creating the Space Port for example, as he probably spent multiple weeks just placing down all the platforms. Due to the symmetry of the build, having these tools would have cut that repetitive bit down by at least a factor of four. I would have been able to speed up the photon stadium process enough to be able to make it totally on my own, instead of having 4 other players helping me to barely get it done on time before that stream. It would allow builders to move massive builds, like my Nefer'spi sept for example, by just a few blocks, to get the placement just right. When planning the sept I had probably rebuilt the dome skeleton like 10 times, trying to get the best position possible, to create that picturesque angle from the pyramid. Using additive claim pasting, a builder could create a big, complex building on flat testing grounds, then copy it into their build, move it around a bit to find the best spot, clean up the edges and integrate it into the build and GG. Have you found that a massive mountain is a claim or two too close to your build, and you want to expand, but still want to keep the mountain? No problem, just move it a few claims back. -- Any sort of claim edit tools (even abstract no feedback buttons on the website) would give builders the chance to spend their time on actually making and designing their builds, not building the exact same thing for weeks. Maybe lock it behind a donator badge if there is fear of random players accidentally destroying their whole build.

# 43



11 months ago

@obi I fully agree to that idea

# 44



11 months ago

Oh im here haha whats going on here

# 46


Loki The Witful

11 months ago

Now this is a tool I want! Nice work Alexi.

# 47



11 months ago

@ Obi You are right when you say that it would be helpful, in not just the spaceport but any build that has repeated parts that are copied exactly. I think you are also right when you say that it would be more of a plus, as far as wonders go, than a minus.

# 48



11 months ago

Now I would like to make a suggestion based upon another game I play. A special block placed at the edge of a claim/claims, when the block is left clicked upon, it opens a view of the current claim/claims, to a maximum of so many x so many claims, which the number can be adjusted up or down. Eg 1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3. The view also offers a copy and a paste button. When copy is clicked it will copy anything within those claims. When the same block which can be picked up and replaced elsewhere, is placed at the edge of another claim and clicked, it brings up the same view. Then when paste is clicked it will paste it's contents into the claim/claims. If you can get that sort of thing happening, maybe you could add rotate and shift buttons to the view within the special block and move and rotate the blocks in the view after copying them and before re-pasting them. This negates the need for the website to have the controls. This is just a suggestion, you don't have to go with my idea. The price for such a block should be quite expensive as it is an advanced tool.

# 49



11 months ago

Rob12 multi-claim transform idea would be a great addition to the base system I described. Another amazing upgrade would be: Automatic 'texturing': - Choose claim, choose A block, choose B block, choose percentage x: x% of A blocks in claim get randomly chosen to be replaced with block B. - Some extra options for the kind of random noise used would be useful too (salt/pepper, blobby ...) This tool would speed up the process of making a good quality build even more! And if you're copying a wall around, you don't need to texture every part separately, you can just build the wall with one block and then copy it around, then texture each claim separately using the tool. Hours upon hours of work saved, allowing for more intricate designs for which you don't have to pay with a lot of complex manual copying.

# 50



11 months ago

@sl_pro heyy darling!!! We are talking about a new game inspired on the Angeldust basics. Sorry the 1 day long reply! -Shinjou

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