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Season 3.8 coin rankings

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hace 6 meses

This is the officially recorded first page—top 18—of Angeldust Season 3.8 (2024-08) coin rankings: 1. Hummm — 339,476 2. Mr Monkey — 290,384 3. Guilherme3 — 219,913 4. NewbieINDO — 156,844 5. Loki The Witful — 144,103 6. Persephone — 128,690 7. Артур4ик — 112,331 8. Jaqui_93 — 100,601 9. Borito — 96,009 10. rarrwwwwww — 88,564 11. Настюшка08 — 82,971 12. BiG DuM — 78,467 13. hades — 77,617 14. Linhtraibao — 76,160 15. Люсиль — 74,328 16. SodaMeow — 73,763 17. PapageilTiktok — 73,278 18. huhuhjhj — 70,276 During this season @Mr Monkey told us they were going for the top spot and @Hummm replied something along the lines of: "Not gonna happen, kiddo!" Boy, were they right! With a comfortable 50K lead @Hummm took the gold once more, resulting in their 24th medal. That's TWO YEARS worth of medals! Congratulations @Hummm, and a great showing by @Mr Monkey who takes the silver this month! A warm word of welcome to @Guilherme3 who showed up on the livestream, got their pet snack and then continued to grind coins for the rest of the month. Also getting some good speedrun PBs in the process. Congratulations on the bronze, @Guilherme3! Quick shoutout to a few familiar faces on the list that I don't meet in-game very often: @Persephone, @Borito and @hades. Thanks for sticking around! This season saw just over 2,600 participants again, and I'm pretty sure it's now one of the best times to try and shoot for a medal again with a bit less competition going on. So go test the new WebGL versions and grind some coins in there! You'll have cool graphics as well as cool coins. What's not to like? SO GET HUNTING! :D

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