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Striped Road Mega Thread

en English en Foros

Publicación 41–50 de 158

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# 41



hace 6 años

And we've connected to the structure @ 512 .. woohoo!

# 42



hace 6 años

496 West ... heading down

# 44



hace 6 años

roadsterj WS has the EoR

# 45



hace 6 años

roadsterk WS .. level 478 West

# 46



hace 6 años

Type your message here.

# 47



hace 6 años

I don't even care but hit level 150

# 48



hace 6 años

Amazing progress guys!

# 49



hace 6 años

We reach a major milestone tonight... the Striped Road has been 100% claimed! (from village, up to level 512, and back down to the "next" village. Thank you to the following people who claimed road sections, and either built their section, or gave build permissions to others to do on their behalf: 5-12-12-5-14, Allanor, AltZenRoad, Aoi Blue, AtomicRavenous, Blueshoes, Commando Cody, Datura, Elder Lee, Esqurel, Fierro, Fierro Builder, Fierro Minion, Firefly, Gerberd, Gerberd of Road, GerberdofRoad II, GerberdofRoadIII, Glauben, Heroes To Spare, Hummm, I_fixed_the_road, Ironic, Joanjus, KawaiiChicken, KitoBär, MR Legend, Maharaja Gerberd, Mercy Parker, Meverish, Moniq on road, Muppet, NI BA BA, Nostromo, OoOoOoOoO, PABLO132456, Plant, Rabotik, Raineyd, Rares, Road-Doddy, RoadEventLeader, Road_hummmster, Smurf, SokemRokemRobot, Spectrum II, Stripey001, SyReaPeR, Tailsmancion, Tatica1133, Tombstone Shadow, Worker Gerberd, XxomarxX, Zephia, gui190_xxx, hades, metabaron, moebius, neonblaster, nothing, obi2002, roadie0, roadie1, roadie2, roadie3, roadie4, roadie5, roadie6, roadie7, roadie8, roadie9, roadster, roadster&, roadster0, roadster1, roadster2, roadster3, roadster4, roadster5, roadster6, roadster7, roadster8, roadster9, roadster_, roadstera, roadsterb, roadsterc, roadsterd, roadstere, roadsterf, roadsterg, roadsterh, roadsteri, roadsterj, roadsterk, roadsterl, roadsterm, roadstern, roadstero, roadsterp, roadsterq, roadsterr, roadsters, roadstert, roadsteru, roadsterv, roadsterw, roadsterx, roadstery, roadsterz, sickmick, могучий лев There are many others who have claims along the road that have added some magnificent structures and/or works of art. Truly an amazing sight! I encourage every to take a stroll! roadsterl (that's an L, as in Lima) has the current end of the road (level 472 West) yes, we're over 1/2 way and heading down to level 1 of the "next" village. Send a FR if you'd like to help build! :)

# 50



hace 6 años

It's been an amazing ride with the striped road so far. The past few weeks everyone's been building like crazy and your progress was really impressive. Amazing to see that a small initiative from space is green led to such a huge response and organization. Keep up the work :D!

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