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ATTN: Wonder navigation

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2 ans plus tôt

You can now visit any wonder without having to wait for the rotation! I've added a '/tw N' (telecharge to wonder) console command that lets you visit a specific wonder at any time, as long as your telecharger is ready. The command is detailed in the FAQ on the support page and will also be documented in an upcoming Angeldust Creator Kit update. Wonder builder player profiles (see the 'wonder builder' leaderboard) now list the actual wonder number you can use to visit each wonder. You can also just try random numbers and see where you end up. For instance, @Rob12's player page lists 'The Twelve Kingdoms' as wonder number 12, so to visit, type the following in chat: /tw 12 Wow—it's magic! I think this change is a big step forward into making wonders first-class locations in Angeldust. A full graphical interface would be nice in the future, but I think the website works really well for this at the moment. The rotating wonder feature of the telecharger remains unchanged so that new players who press the button at the same time still end up at the same wonder to explore together. Thanks to everyone involved in drafting, shaping and adding this feature to the game. I think it's really cool! :D If you think this update leads to new exploits or problems in the game, please let me know!

# 2



2 ans plus tôt

ok.. that's worthy of an unannounced restart :D ... thanks! [edit: because I can, ... thanks for that too] /tw subject to standard telecharger cool down... FF thinks of everything ;) gg [edit 2: ..... and how about those spaces.... ^ here, this guy rocks! [edit 3] although I'd love to see a "fixed width font" block/indicator

# 3



2 ans plus tôt

Obi asked in Discord .. what about /lw ... to list them ... seems like a reasonable next step

# 4



2 ans plus tôt

Finally, now I can visit new wonders without having to wait 20 minutes Life is good

# 5



2 ans plus tôt

@Hummm / @obi-: the 'wonder builder' leaderboard fulfills the intended function of '/lw' for now. It's everything you want from it, even more convenient for some use cases and slightly less convenient for others. @Ruan4K: cheers!

# 6



2 ans plus tôt

it's be one thing if you had the complete list in one spot (like we do in the Discord #faq-and-hunters) ... but on this web site, it's a LOT of clicking...

# 7



2 ans plus tôt

gratuitous post: [edit: to add Obi-'s edits :P] X Y ## Name Wonder Builder 4094 4101 1 City of Heroes : space is green 3073 7225 2 Valessi - Ruan4k 4088 4093 3 The Stripped Road : space is green 3011 7219 4 Nefer'spi - obi- 2834 7219 5 Arktisk Vorota : obi- 5508 206852 6 Dreamicitia - Doddy 302641 4168 7 City of Justice : Kamikaze Justice 533872 185661 8 Le Royaume - Lucas 4118 47956 9 City of Runnaterra : Liutenant joseph 203573 520131 10 Salamon's Castle - ooGoo 2804 7201 11 Aspatia : Ruan4k 203558 520087 12 The Twelve Kingdoms - Rob12 264206 5692 13 Paxanima (West) : konorpwnz 264207 5692 14 Paxanima (East) - Alexi makarova 3491 4095 15 Violet Castle : space is green 165277 520144 16 Countworth du Wilha - Angelio 4036 250746 17 Dragon Throat Valley : Ruan4k 520163 376450 18 San Valentin - leyenda 165299 520157 19 Eletrod : Angelio 5494 70360 20 Bivoy - Angelio 2207 4089 21 Halloween Horror : leyenda 520942 388407 22 Super Summer - leyenda 2172 4063 23 Ekplixi : obi- 346031 4421 24 Magical Winter - leyenda 1988 5775 25 La Primavera : leyenda 4102 81750 26 City X Bronc - SEMAR_X 4044 69617 27 Equatoria : Rob12 6132 18789 28 Psychedelia - INFAMOUS 523966 524015 29 Sant Rafoir (South) : Fatih+ 523968 524017 30 Sant Rafoir (North) - Ruan4k 4110 81949 31 San Carlos : song123 203602 518168 32 Dragons Nest Spaceport Rob12 284491 520250 33 Sinabun Village - SEMAR_X 321011 2572 34 Paraíso - leyenda 4143 104549 35 Mount Athema : Elki 520436 235584 36 Senevoy - Angelio 4056 81761 37 Acacia Mountain : SEMAR_X 520102 258604 38 Impact World - Rob12

# 8



2 ans plus tôt

Hummm copy pasting my FAQ wonder list which possibly has number mistakes in it, I'll fix it someday

# 9



2 ans plus tôt

repost from copy/paste from this web site ... LOTs of clicky/copy/paste... [edit: fixed added page 2, sorry Elki] 1. City of Heroes @ X: 4094, Y: 4101 (9 × 22 = 198) Heroes To Spare 2. Valessi @ X: 3073, Y: 7225 (18 × 17 = 306) Ruan4K 3. The Striped Road @ X: 4088, Y: 4093 (586 × 1 = 586) Heroes To Spare 4. Nefer'spi @ X: 3011, Y: 7219 (16 × 19 = 304) obi- 5. Arktisk Vorota @ X: 2834, Y: 7219 (10 × 11 = 110) obi- 6. Dreamicitia @ X: 5508, Y: 206852 (25 × 28 = 700) Doddy 7. City of Justice @ X: 302641, Y: 4168 (13 × 16 = 208) Kamikaze Justice 8. Le Royaume @ X: 3872, Y: 185661 (14 × 20 = 280) Lucas 53 9. City of Runnetera @ X: 4118, Y: 47956 (13 × 15 = 195) Liutenant joseph 10. Salamon's Castle @ X: 203573, Y: 520131 (12 × 11 = 132) ooGoo 11. Aspatia @ X: 2804, Y: 7201 (15 × 14 = 210) Ruan4K 12. The Twelve Kingdoms @ X: 203558, Y: 520087 (30 × 24 = 720) Rob12 13. Paxanima (West) @ X: 264206, Y: 5692 (9 × 19 = 171) konorpwnz 14. Paxanima (East) @ X: 264207, Y: 5692 (7 × 19 = 133) Alexi makarova 15. Violet Castle @ X: 3491, Y: 4095 (15 × 16 = 240) space is green 16. Countworth du Wilha @ X: 165277, Y: 520144 (13 × 13 = 169) Angelio 17. Dragon Throat Valley @ X: 4036, Y: 250746 (20 × 13 = 260) Ruan4K 18. San Valentin @ X: 520163, Y: 376450 (16 × 14 = 224) Leyenda 19. Eletrod @ X: 165299, Y: 520157 (25 × 25 = 625) Angelio 20. Bivoy @ X: 5494, Y: 70360 (21 × 19 = 399) Angelio 21. Halloween Terror @ X: 2207, Y: 4089 (18 × 13 = 234) Leyenda 22. Super Summer @ X: 520942, Y: 388407 (20 × 16 = 320) Leyenda 23. Ekplixi @ X: 2172, Y: 4063 (30 × 30 = 900) obi- 24. Magical Winter @ X: 346031, Y: 4421 (19 × 20 = 380) Leyenda 25. La Primavera @ X: 1988, Y: 5775 (19 × 21 = 399) Leyenda 26. City X Bronc @ X: 4102, Y: 81750 (21 × 20 = 420) Anonymous+ 27. Equatoria @ X: 4044, Y: 69617 (26 × 21 = 546) Rob12 28. Psychedelia @ X: 6132, Y: 18789 (28 × 27 = 756) INFAMOUS 29. Sant Rafoir (South) @ X: 523966, Y: 524015 (21 × 10 = 210) fatih+ 30. Sant Rafoir (North) @ X: 523968, Y: 524017 (21 × 11 = 231) Ruan4K 31. San Carlos @ X: 4110, Y: 81949 (18 × 19 = 342) song123 32. Dragons Nest Spaceport @ X: 203602, Y: 518168 (21 × 21 = 441) Rob12 33. Sinabun Village @ X: 284491, Y: 520250 (19 × 18 = 342) Anonymous+ 34. Paraíso @ X: 321011, Y: 2572 (20 × 17 = 340) Leyenda 35. Mount Athema @ X: 4143, Y: 104549 (18 × 18 = 324) Elki 36. Senevoy @ X: 520436, Y: 235584 (34 × 27 = 918) Angelio 37. Acacia Mountain @ X: 4056, Y: 81761 (17 × 16 = 272) Anonymous+ 38. Impact World @ X: 520102, Y: 258604 (27 × 26 = 702) Rob12

# 10



2 ans plus tôt

guess I'll update our faq now edit: done, also: you missed #35... I sus that you used a command to sort them from 1 to 38 sussss

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