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(Translated by Google Translate) Hello! I had ideas for the game and also found one very annoying bug. The bug is to keep the world offline. Very often I build large houses offline, spend an hour on their construction, and then when I leave the game, my building simply does not save. When I go into the game, that building just doesn't exist. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I'm going out of offline mode through the game menu.

# 2



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Keys and secret rooms: Yes, I think the idea will seem ridiculous, but still... At the moment, the chests in the game are completely useless. They have regeneration hearts that are not so necessary and "infinity gloves" (I call them that...). You can add a new item that will appear in the chests "key to the secret room". This key will be collected like the icons in the game, but it can be spent. If you find a sanctuary, you can find a secret room at random level. After spending the key, you can go into the room and find a reward, for example, some number of coins. Why? First: the player may be tempted and instead of speeding, he will try to find a secret room. Secondly: it adds a new unique item to the game, and also complements the sanctuary.

# 3



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Statistics Update: This topic is very important! In the statistics of the character IN THE GAME, you should add "the number of sanctuaries passed", as well as the icons that you received from the sanctuaries.

# 4



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NPC Update: I think NPC is a cool enough opportunity to do territories with walkthrough. I would like to see the opportunity to COMMUNICATE WITH NPCs. Don't take it too literally. On the site it will be possible to configure the NPC you supplied. You will be able to customize the dialog. For example: when a player next to an NPC writes: "hello" NPC responds: "hello traveler" The whole dialogue can be configured on the site in a convenient mode : 1 Your message 2 NPC message.

# 5



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Thank you very much for your attention! Yes, I know the ideas may seem ridiculous, or maybe the opposite, but I think it's cool!

# 6



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# 7



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@Rogi41K ... offline mode is just that, off line. The ONLY builds that are saved on the server are the ones you do while ON LINE.

# 8



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@Hummm, I disagree with you, because this mode can be used for practice. Especially since I'm talking about BUG. This may mean that this is a flaw, because in some cases I do not keep peace. I have buildings that have been preserved, and there are those that were lost because of luggage.

# 9



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I'm sure self-cleaning buildings in the game are not a bug, but an intentional idea. Imagine how much the game would weigh if this data was stored. But when I started building offline, of course it upset me a little when I noticed for the first time that the buildings were erased. After that I don't use it anymore.

# 10



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The idea of NPCs seems to be unnecessary.. if you need to have constructive dialogues with someone about a wonder, just get acquainted with the creator of the wonder. I like the key idea, but I don't think gold coins are an interesting enough reward.. regeneration hearts are needed when you play alone as a scout and a warrior.

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