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cheating with instant kills

dans English dans Forums

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1 an plus tôt

Ok i was in this just before this topic and some player jumpted on me with the party together stuff. some weird stuff happend... when he was physically attack by a mob instantly there was a screen shake and the mob instantly died. that happend when i was not looking at him. i know the builder can drop bombs but that wasnt the reason he always used that when i was not looking at him, the instant kill. but when looking at him he just meleed the mobs and nothing to matter.... so the question is if you drop a bomb on the spot you get attackted does it instantly get destroyed and can the other player not see it? or is he really cheating with instant kills?

# 2



1 an plus tôt

I made a picture of his name, but since im not sure i dont show its name ofcourse :P

# 3



1 an plus tôt

ow yeah forgot to say something more i saw there was a frog next to him when he dindt saw i was looking the frog just touched his leg and poof gone killed... i was ??? is he cheating? and when he saw i was looking he normally attackted the mobs again with his hammer and no instant kills....

# 4



1 an plus tôt

I strongly believe there are no instant kills. But it's certainly a cool story!

# 5



1 an plus tôt

firefly how can i delete this post? LOL

# 6



1 an plus tôt

Idk hehe

# 7



1 an plus tôt

Your posts are here forever! Just don't worry about it, you had a valid concern, and who knows? Maybe there is a player out there instant-killing all monsters. I'd strongly urge anyone to report that if they see it happen :D

Message 1–7 sur 7