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Building in the Void

dans English dans Forums

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11 mois plus tôt

Im not sure of how difficult it would be to implement this idea, but what do you think about void being available in offline mode? I know the game is focused on online, but I think it could produce some interesting constructions.

# 2



11 mois plus tôt

what would you even do in an offline void? also you can tp to the void in offline easily. or did you mix up 'offline mode' with the normal world where you play on the multiplayer server and can build normally. and you're asking if we can have pvp outside of the void?

# 3



11 mois plus tôt

Ritpop it's not a good idea l think so because in build alone you can get very big area for building so why you need the void for that l don't think so it's a good idea.Yeah l know you said the void because the void ground preety well for some building work but you can make that floor in normal also with some hard work hehe.

# 4



11 mois plus tôt

Oh man i had a dream like that that i could build on the void

# 5



11 mois plus tôt

As @obi- mentions you can "easily" go to The Void in the Build Alone mode (once you know how to do it). So you could do some proof-of-concept building there. The major problem is that once you go there in the online mode, your builds get deleted because the server is authoritative and will tell the client to remove any builds that are present.

# 6



11 mois plus tôt

I tried go to the void in offiline mode, since i wasnt abe i assume that it was possible. and i was talking about the offiline mode not in the online multiplayer etc.

# 7



11 mois plus tôt

This is an idea that belongs in real PVP, not this pseudo PVP we currently have implemented.

# 8



11 mois plus tôt

@ritpop: most of us are indeed talking about offline/build alone/local mode. You can easily get to The Void once you know how (hint hint).

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