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Please adjust the turret

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5 ans plus tôt

It seems to me that with 3.0 release builder's turrets are not work that good as it used to be. I don't remember if it was obi or Hummm who told me that all is ok, but after some time I must repeat that turrets are not working that good as it used to be. It happens to me, that I place a turret to get rid some animals bothering me, however the turret keeps attacking animals far away from me and ignores those nearby. I just quit the building for now because I was unable to get rid of a stupid snake. All turrets around that snake were shooting some other animals. And the worst case that happened to me in the past was when a turret simply didn't shoot at all for a significant part of its time while an animal was right next to it [0]. By me such cases never happened before 3.0, these days it is very often. Can be turrets adjusted a bit the way to more likely select targets nearby over those on distant? [0]

# 2


Kamikaze Justice

5 ans plus tôt

It looks like a good 4 seconds where the turret didn't fire while the snake was right next to it.

# 3



5 ans plus tôt

Hey @Moniq, I 100% trust your judgement and I'll look into it right now. Earlier this month I investigated this and came up empty handed: the turret's AI is just a few lines of very old code and it hasn't changed since Angeldust v0.19. There must be something else that has changed in the meantime. I'll report back here when I know what is or isn't up.

# 4



5 ans plus tôt

Reporting live from the action: I'm running multiple server versions simultaneously and have code comparing results between them for identical inputs. I've just hit my first discrepancy and I'm diving in.

# 5



5 ans plus tôt

Turns out that was just a fluke, but I'm running this test for some more time to see if there are problems. In the meanwhile, longer videos of this phenomenon in action are much appreciated as I can't seem to replicate the issue.

# 6



5 ans plus tôt

Could it be that the turret was shooting at a mob it couldnt hit, and while it was focused on that mob, the snake came in?

# 7



5 ans plus tôt

The turret scans for any creature in range, then shoots it. It's exactly as dumb as that sounds. It doesn't check for nearby or far ranges, line of sight or anything. As long as a creature is within its detection area, it shoots. In the video there's a short moment where the turret isn't firing while the snake is on top of it. It should have at least kept firing. But it could have stalled briefly due to incoming network lag, but the video is too short to say that. My testing hasn't yet revealed any problems. All of the turrets logic is shared with all other AI so if there's problems, they should be visible everywhere.

# 8



5 ans plus tôt

The situation when the turret is not shooting at all is rare (however I don't know about any lag at that moment, but might be possible). I will try to document it better when it occurs again. Also, I heard you made some changes when using 3D models, to prevent stacking animals on each other, maybe this might be related? That reminds me an incident few days ago, I have killed a roamer right in front of me. Its corpse appeared above my head preventing me from jumping (like when it is blocked by something). I usually jump up to see around above the grass, as RL dogs do in high grass :) When I moved aside, the corpse felt down. (and then I realized how strange it was :)) The problem with various glitches is that it appear _very rarely_ and I am usually too late to document it or I realize it after few moments when it is over.

# 10



5 ans plus tôt

the video almost makes it look like the hero needs line of sight to the creature for the turret to target the creature.

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