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to Mentto

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5 ans plus tôt

Hallo. Even when it was written a milion times and even that there is several warings directly in the Central HUB #1, you simply claimed right next to the Central HUB building. Now the future expansion will not be possible in this direction. And I bet you also will never come back to give me permissions. Thanks a lot!

# 2



5 ans plus tôt

I suggest claiming the whole area inside your wall. Feel free to use the area tps for easy 27k at my playground tp.

# 3



5 ans plus tôt

I can't claim the are when I don't know yet how will it expand.

# 4



5 ans plus tôt

Oh yeah true, you name your accounts accoring to the build they claim..

# 5



5 ans plus tôt

Let's wait a bit for Mentto. Did you send a friend request/PM yet? If you get no reply, ping me in a few days to see what we can do.

# 6



5 ans plus tôt

Yes I did ofc. But something tells me that it will end the same as with that ugly building next to Hunter Hole. Nothing has changed there, no reply from the player.

# 7



5 ans plus tôt

Great! So not just that I got no reply from the player, but another claim is right next to it, blocking future road to south. Thank you Weaboo. I will not bother myself with any attempts to contact such user, because they NEVER reply, this is not the first case. I had also to fix Hotel Smile on Striped road, because a vandal has damaged stairs and the nearby bridge. Someone who got permissions from Hummm's alt. And btw, thanks fabriciomatador for blocking right next to the building there! @Firefly I ask you, if and how will you solve this? I stop all my online building now and closing Central HUB.

# 8



5 ans plus tôt

Well most likely the player came from one of the wonders, I told you this would happen when I was adding mine...I hid my tps there in hard to find spots. Dont know about other wonders tho. I mean no offense, but if you really didnt want anyone claiming next to you(cuz you know how random people can come from your hub) you would just claim everything name the account Moniq1, Moniq2, Moniq3... and sacrifice your orginised accounts for preventing grief claims. I know its something you dont want to do, but thats the only thing you can do to deal with this. Firefly wont break his rules about removing claims, not even for space(city of heroes) or himself... Another thing you can do is block the exit of the hub and every tp that leads to your builds...whenever you need to go trough them just unblock it and block it behind you...I use your hub reguraly when I want to go somewhere I dont have the tp to... So I really hope you didnt destroy the holo chargers.

# 9



5 ans plus tôt

@Moniq: I understand your frustration, but I see no objective, technical solution that I can implement. If you know in advance that you don't want people claiming certain pieces of land, you must claim them yourself preemptively. All solutions for removing claims post-facto that I can think of involve personal judgement by me or others (as in: a "democracy"). This will eventually lead to the reverse problem of players seeing their claims unfairly removed. Players suggested ideas for a technical solution in the past, giving rules like 'account age', 'account level', 'inactivity' and so on. A lot of the stuff that obi built would've been lost that way since obi was inactive for quite a while (nofi). I don't mind brainstorming some more to come up with a technical solution; maybe I'm overlooking something.

# 10



5 ans plus tôt

Why not simply disallow to claim next to someone who is not in your friends list?

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