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Bad update 3.6 (urgent help)

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4 ans plus tôt

Bad update 3.6, at least for me. This is my problem: - I have VERY good Internet connection since the modem is connected to the computer and in this way I could play quietly in V3.5, but now in this update it appears at every moment that "slow Internet connection" and does not let me move from one place to another, I can not put blocks either because it takes as it supposedly "my Internet is slow" but it is a lie. My internet connection is excellent so it is an update error that I hope will be solved soon because I already lost -100 coins because of this error. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mala actualización 3.6, al menos para mi. Este es mi problema: - Tengo MUY buena conexión a Internet ya que el módem esta conectado a la computadora y de esta manera podía jugar tranquilo en la V3.5, pero ahora en esta actualización me aparece a cada momento que "conexión a Internet lenta" y no me deja moverme de un sitio a otro, tampoco puedo poner bloques porque tarda ya que supuestamente "mi Internet esta lento" pero es mentira. Mi conexión a Internet es excelente así que es un error de la actualización que espero solucionen pronto porque ya me quitaron -100 monedas a causa de este error.

# 2



4 ans plus tôt

bad update, No. Update failed, yes.

# 3



4 ans plus tôt

Hey Colombiano, I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing connection problems, but the update has absolutely zero impact on the network connection and network traffic that the game generates. Are you well versed in network diagnostics? Can you try pinging or tracing the route to "" for a while and see if you experience packet loss or high pings on a hop somewhere? I once diagnosed similar issues for obi2002 and there was a bad router at the edge of his ISP's network. Let's hope your problem is easier to solve. You could always try rebooting your modem and/or computer as a first step. It's dumb, but it might work.

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