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DEV: WebGL version

em English em Fóruns

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# 181


Loki The Witful

24 dias atrás

And as I said I would do, here are some map comparisons.

# 182



24 dias atrás

Updated WebGL 'new' version: 1.) The fighter no longer sees health bars for tamed or ridden creatures. Thanks to @Loki The Witful for reporting this! Hostile photon imitated creatures intentionally do still show health bars, even when unactivated. 2.) I introduced an 'assignment mode' background color for the user interface that is now used when assigning to the hotbar from the inventory and when selecting photon mimic contents. This fixes the problem of hotbar assignment dimming the inventory and making icons less legible and it also makes photon mimic content assignment stand out more from regular inventory item selection. Feedback is welcome, as always! :D

# 183



23 dias atrás

It just doesn't stop! Updated WebGL 'new' version: A.) Girders now have an end cap when placed next to transparent blocks like glass. Thanks to @Mr Monkey for reporting this! B.) Game assets are now loaded serially per resource type: ambient noises, music, sounds and textures. This prevents the game from blasting a huge amount of requests at the server. Resources that failed to load will be retried. Thanks to @SodaMeow for reporting this! C.) Sounds will now almost always play, so no more awkward silence when starting your game session! This is a HUGE improvement in game feel. Feedback on these and previous changes is welcome!

# 184


Loki The Witful

23 dias atrás

Cool stuff!!! I did notice something about the fighter mini-map: it is almost always zoomed in. I think it is because he can now see all the potential aggressive creatures. Fix would be make it where only zooms in if the creature loses a bit of health. Also, since I have been using the fighter more, I think he needs a bit of a health upgrade. Trying to use the fighter only works if you have a builder or sorceress nearby, or if you are in low-level lands. The problem is that his health regeneration is very weak. I brainstormed a few ways to fix this: 1. Make it so he gets more health for killing creatures. Let’s face it: a 1% health regeneration is completely useless. 2. Make it so he gains health from picking up coins. Yes, I know the sorceress does this, but she does not really need this power; she has the health wand, which is basically infinite health. 3. Upgrade his purple sword so that instead of taking health only on critical hits, it always takes a small bit of health from a creature, like a life leech. For example, if one hit deals 4 damage, then he gets 2 health back. 4. Instead of giving him more ways to heal, give him a shield item that, when used, adds a grey layer of armor over his life bar that absorbs damage before his health does. This would allow him to fight more while still adding small bits of health without making him weak; all you have to do is remember to add more armor when it gets low. 5. Give him a new placeable item: the campfire, essentially a fighter version of the builder dispenser. 6. Make it so he gains more health from sitting and regains it faster. This was just a small brainstorm I had. Feel free to add something to it or let me know if you like one option better.

# 185


Loki The Witful

22 dias atrás

Oh and a random idea for mobile players, what if you could tap the mini map to open the actual map?

# 186



22 dias atrás

sorry, I'm trying to catch up... just watching last week's LS... the shadows are perfectly fine the way they are implemented. I think FF is right to prioritize performance more recently: - sound performance fixes are good - giving the fighter full creature visibility is a nice perk (recall my OG design gave it to all heros) - loki's list for further health buffs to fighter is crap... if you're looking ways to had health regain to the fighter, just play sorc! maybe #4 is ok BUT the fighter ALREADY has the most HP in game... the fighter is doomed to require a group to play

# 187



22 dias atrás

Really, it just doesn't stop! Updated WebGL 'new' version: I.) I've implemented a new compression algorithm so that textures now download about 2,5x faster. This should make a big difference on slower connections. Testing on this is much appreciated, as there are many ways this new algorithm might go wrong :-) No other tweaks to the game yet. I don't want to mess with fighter/hero balance more (this deserves a separate topic). I might slightly decrease the map-zoom-in threshold when creatures are nearby, but I'm strangely comfortable with the way it is.

# 188


Loki The Witful

22 dias atrás

Cool 🤓

# 189


Loki The Witful

22 dias atrás

I was dungeon hunting as a fighter, so I was only paying half attention to my screen when I happened to notice a pink arrow flashing behind me on my mini-map. I turned around to check it, and bam! I found the rare pink OWL!!! I am so happy! Only 3 more pinks until I finally find them all! This fighter power is a must-keep a 100%. As for pictures, I should have taken more, but I was too excited to think about it, lol.

# 190



21 dias atrás

> we don't give a Hoot! heh .. gg Loki

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