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DEV: WebGL version

в English в Форумы

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# 131


Loki The Witful

21 дней тому назад

Is webGL getting an update? Every time I try to enter it says new version of the game is available.

# 132



21 дней тому назад

Same with me since morning today, I thought it was my connection. But the app works fine.

# 133



21 дней тому назад

Sorry! It's fixed. WebGL requires some regular maintenance that is just infrequent enough for me to forget about it and then you can't connect until I fix it.

# 134


Loki The Witful

21 дней тому назад

Nice thanks Mr Firefly

# 135



21 дней тому назад

Yeah its working! Thanks for the quick fix Firefly! :)

# 136


Loki The Witful

17 дней тому назад

This is not an issues with webGL just Assistana maybe bug? So iAlex and Mr Monkey alerted me of a bug with Assistana, turns out she counts as a NPC so if you spawn 4 NPC in your house she will despawn in the same house chunk. Not sure if this counts as a bug just getting it out there

# 137



17 дней тому назад

@Loki The Witful: Assistana despawning is bug-like, but not severe enough that I want to fix it currently. You can also despawn NPCs in your neighbor's house if you want :-) Also not something I want to fix currently :D

# 138



13 дней тому назад

Updated WebGL version: 1.) You can now use custom colors in chat messages, holo scrolls, NPC dialogue and land claim descriptions using "text hints". A text hint is the caret character ^ followed by a number or letter. ^1 through ^9 set vibrant colors ^a through ^o set pastel and dark colors ^0 resets the color back to normal For instance, type: Check out ^5my red ^4and orange ^0text! Or: Here's a ^o------{-^5@ ^0for you ^5<3 2.) You can now italicize ("slant") text using the ^/ text hint. This is the caret ^ followed by a forward slash /. This text hint acts as a toggle: if text wasn't slanted, it becomes slanted and vice versa. 3.) Water, lava, Cyanergy and symbionts now taper to column and flag blocks just like smoke. This is a huge change allowing for prettier "torches" (lava block on a column block) and some cool industrial designs. I would love reports about this improving or breaking existing builds and wonders. So go test this new stuff! For the text hints, note that these currently only work when playing in WebGL. I want to get some early feedback on the design and usefulness of this feature. Server-side translation problems with text hints are solved in an upcoming server update.

# 139



13 дней тому назад

This is awesome! The colours are very vibrant! But the color will just last for that text, can it be kept for the following texts without typing the ^. But its amazing to have this already! heh. Thank you!

# 140


Loki The Witful

12 дней тому назад

I am with Soda on this one AMZING WORK!!! I also love the new water and lava stuff fitting into pipes, now the only way this could get better if the could also fit into sideways pipes 🤓 Great work Mr Firefly

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