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More Stealthy...

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Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I propose, that the names that appear under our characters don't appear to other players when our characters are behind objects, and only appears when the mouse's cursor is on the character. It would give the players the ability to be known or not be known, be sneaky, be stealthy, and besides... be more realistic. It would probably be best if this game ever goes PvP.

# 2



7 năm trước

yeah same but PvP will ruin the game right now first new blocks and other stuf you know

# 3



7 năm trước

Firefly asked during the stream for thoughts about the update and how a pvp would work. These are good points. It seems that a separate area specifically for pvp might be a good option. Perhaps for claims the claim owner could set a pvp option to 'on' or 'off' and something should tell people when they've entered, or when they're about to enter a pvp area. Let's say that Kamikaze and I agree to fight and kingkohn comes to watch. What stops us from killing kingkohn by mistake or another spectator in the crossfire? Then let's say a heard of elephants come along and get themselves involved in our scuffle. We want to stop killing each other for a minute to kill the elephants; okay? How would this work?

# 4



7 năm trước

Gerberd have u never played ARK or Rust or Minecraft or even DayZ if u have u would understand the whole "Then let's say a heard of elephants come along and get themselves involved in our scuffle. We want to stop killing each other for a minute to kill the elephants; okay? How would this work?" my point would be no matter what monsters or area u are in if i want to kill u in pvp i will deal with u first then the monsters or just run away

# 5



7 năm trước

We should buy sparing gear. A wooden sword, a sparing wand, a rubber mallet, and straw arrows. Those wouldn't kill anything but could trigger something else so people would know who had lost. Something such as that might help lessen grief because I might not mind as much because I wasn't actually killed. Maybe that would be better than having a button to turn pvp on for each player, it could be stuck on and it wouldn't turn into roving bands of players wandering about murdering one another. I understand what your saying wolfthorn but what I meant was if 25 people are following firefly and he gets close to some monster with some sort of pvp on, everyone within a 25 foot radius is going to be killed; just because of everyone shooting at the monster.

# 6



7 năm trước

And he is correct; if 20 people are hiding over on the other side of a ridge ready with water balloons and straw arrows, they aren't going to be able to get the drop on me if all of their names show up right where they are. They would need to be able to hide themselves. I was going to say this same thing at one point because of screenshots. It took me a week but I realized on my own that the names of other players don't show up in cinematic mode. While we're at making it an option to hid your own name, it might be helpful to have the same option to hide all the other play names from my end. Then if I'm running around with other people I can grab some screenshots really quick and their names wouldn't show up if I had deselected the option. This thread has a good point.

# 7


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Gerberd has a major point in game mechanic, if PVP is an option all the time, the sorceress' area affect, the scouts green bow area affect, and all the crossfire from the piercing red bow, regular bow, tourettes, etc would end up killing you. If you prefer playing/hunting solo, I guess this wouldn't affect you much, but when working in a team hunt, outside of streams, you'll end up killing your partner before the creature. Pvp will have to be regulated at least in the "Where & when" category. Like where can PvP happen without getting in the way of regular gameplay, but still adding to it.

# 8


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

The sneaky (username fading) when Pvp activated is a nice point.

# 9


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

As for the actual PvP play, perhaps, just like cooperative mode for building, there can be a PvP mode where anyone who chooses to be in PvP mode is fair game. Maybe, there can also be a clan mode, where anyone in the same clan cannot be harmed by someone in the same clan, but can harm other clans or players in PvP mode.

# 10


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Team Vs. and Free For All

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 13

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