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PSA: Stream #150!

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–19 của 19

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# 11



7 năm trước

Last minute artwork :-) I made an Angeldust illustration... Direct link to image: If you like it, please Like our Heroes To Spare facebook page: Or see more artwork at:

# 12



7 năm trước

I added about eight players for the tour; Rabotik – I'll try to show off your artwork on stream. If I forget, we'll try again on Friday :)

# 13



7 năm trước

I'd like to post a review. First of all, I think it was a good stream. It was time to look at some of the player builds. Second, that tour account possibly didn't work out as well as intended because of people like me. Although I had befriended the tour account I have too many friends for it to show up on my telecharger. There was a bit of a teleport chain going on to get from place to place. Friends of Humm had to teleport to him and then other people teleported to them, because few could teleport to the tour account. The third thing I saw that I wanted to mention was when everyone was getting killed by the mammoth mob. They stomp and throw bricks, the stomp is over powered and impossible to avoid. When a mob gets going three mammoths stomping at the same time will kill everybody every time. We must avoid getting involved with multiple mammoths at all costs. Once three or four of them get activated and are attacking they cannot be separated or anything, many people will die. The last thing is that after looking at some of the builds today; I don't think it's necessary to script or to otherwise make building impossibly easier.

# 14



7 năm trước

We'll be doing the mass Discord thing one more time on Friday, I had a really good time during Monday's stream. Next week, we'll return to the regular format of just me talking. Maybe we'll find a good middle ground in the future as the Angeldust Discord community is quite fun and vocal.

# 15



7 năm trước

The Angeldust 150th Stream is a blast! Looking forward to more building tours in the future. Thanks for sharing y'all :-)

# 16



7 năm trước

*was a blast! XD

# 17



7 năm trước

yes I had fun too (even though I was only there for a bit) Gerberd (who was actually my first non-Firefly friend in game, thanks!) has a valid point about friends-of-friends chain TPing in. We would all need to be on alt accounts for it to work. Another solution might be an "anon" option that prevents your friends from TPing to you. ... I'm just full of good ideas! :)

# 18



7 năm trước

bring back the Saturday live stream!!! ;)

# 19



7 năm trước

The other interesting thing that happened totally unexpected, but predictable; was after we'd looked at the first two builds Firefly clicked the 'play together' button. I've made a thread about this before wherein I said we should set groups of people in or around level 20 in preparation for Firefly to teleport in using the 'play together' option. It seems as if I was correct; it might be nice if we got together beforehand and tried to find a suitable hunting area for Firefly to start the stream and pull him into it. What happened is, everybody was following Tour 150 or they were waiting at Firefly's house, I imagine. It's ironic, actually. The special circumstances of the stream had it so that anyone who might have been hunting using the 'play together' wasn't. Then when the stream wanted to use the 'play together' it sent Firefly to level 1. This happened because of the stream. I should have known that was going to happen. Somebody should have predicted that. Usually it works out well, but if we look at player builds again and then try to go hunt; somebody had ought to figure out a place beforehand or whatever. I'm sorry that I took so long getting everyone to alejandro0129's place. I had paused the youtube or something and I think it was running about 1/2 a minute behind; that's behind the 15 or 20 second delay. By the time I heard you saying my name you were typing at me. By the time I figured out what to do, way too much time had gone by and it was my fault.

Bưu kiện 11–19 của 19

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