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ATTN: Moderation of leaderboards

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 37

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# 11



2 năm trước

I've just added two new leaderboards: 'New' and 'GM'. 'New' is inspired by what @UNIX posted—it shows only recently created accounts so they compete in a transient league of their own. Accounts naturally disappear from this leaderboard by passage of time. Having this board encourages new players to compete for a smaller goal at spot #1. Of course new accounts remain listed on all regular leaderboards, too. I'll also do my best to keep secondary accounts from here as best as I can. Initially I'll be somewhat gentle as I don't know many of these players yet. 'GM' is a leaderboard to make it easier for players to contact a (GM) for questions about the game, rules and moderation. This way I don't have to list (GM) secondary accounts on the main leaderboards while increasing their visibility. Changes to any of these features are to be expected, so feedback on everything in this topic remains very welcome.

# 12



2 năm trước

I like the new account leaderboard, but it SCREAMS for the checkbox I suggested... Typically, when I make a new alt, I go from 0 to 100k in the first 2 hours. (your discovery bonuses are insane, "the grind" doesn't start @ zero like most games) I would gladly check the box to prevent polluting the newbie board. I'd also like to hear your thoughts on aging off... time based or coin based? Any player > level 100 is hardly a newb. (for those that don't know level tied to coins)

# 13



2 năm trước

Again, no new player can ever catch up on quests. Any player can catch up and lead in coins. The quest leaderboard is an unobtainable for new players. This coming from a proponent and prompter of questing.

# 14



2 năm trước

Checkbox filtering (Hummm's suggestion as I understand it) - In my mind this is a great solution if the checkbox filters were enabled by default, and then once "unchecked" all of the alt accounts would become visible again. The web site need not remember checkbox state for players, keep it simple. I have to admit I did enjoy the laborious effort of hunting my way past each of Hummm's alts as I climb the leaderboard. :P On the other hand, not having to quest for alt accounts is a RELIEF! No one should feel more liberated than Hummm on this matter. For me, not having to worry about questing for my "Colts" alt is enough to make the game more enjoyable. The entire "Alts" system of claiming game chunks has always felt like an awkward player devised workaround to a game deficiency. <- don't take that the wrong way as it is fact every game has player devised workarounds.

# 15



2 năm trước

As discussed on today's livestream: I just now swapped the 'Hero battle!' stats between the 'Hummm' and '(GM) Hummm' accounts. Scores, targets and nemeses remain fully unchanged. Hummm's main account is now listed in the 'Hero battle!' leaderboard at spot #14, a well-deserved first page place. For transparency: I vow and promise you that this is the first and only instance of me swapping statistics between accounts. As far as I'm concerned this will be the final instance too. I greatly value the integrity of Angeldust's game world, statistics and player performance and do not change data lightly. I hope I can count on everyone's continued trust and respect regarding this.

# 16



2 năm trước

The 'New' leaderboard now shows the time left before an account fades, down to the final second. This adds some transparency and clarity for everyone. Refresh your website/cache to make sure the time labels are very light gray. I've set the time limit to ~60 days so that accounts initially show '(2 months)' before going lower. On top of that, I've equalized the look of the secondary stat lines on the 'Creatures', 'Hero battle!' and 'New' leaderboards. And the 'Hero battle!' section on player profiles is now cleaner. Feedback welcome!

# 17



2 năm trước

This is not about the leaderbord but as i have mention in the past live stream a more pasific date count for the forum post will be nice!. :)))

# 18



2 năm trước

@fatih+: noted. Though I kinda like the non-specific and transient character of these dates. Old things feel old, new things feel new. Can you provide an example scenario you ran in to where the resolution of the date reporting was an actual issue?

# 19



2 năm trước

For me its just to nkow the stream that you review a meme. But it also gonna make it more esesier to nkow ceritain things like "did this hapend befor this?" well thets my example that i can thingk off. Sorry for bad ingglish :))

# 20



2 năm trước

I went through the creature kill leaderboards and hid all secondary accounts listed in those. Feel free to PM me if you: 1. see (suspected) secondary accounts pop up in the future 2. want me to hide one of your secondary accounts in advance 3. just want to chat :D

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 37

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