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ATTN: Moderation of leaderboards

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 37

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# 21



2 năm trước

A topic that came up during yesterday's livestream: hiding accounts having a zero score on a leaderboard. I really like the idea, cleaning up the leaderboards even more and giving a better impression of the competition going on. This does have major consequences for some leaderboards: the total number of questing and Hero battle! accounts is around 5,000 meaning that 400,000+ accounts will suddenly vanish from those. Coins isn't as bad with about 380,000 accounts having any coins. I know some have suggested keeping 0-coin accounts on Coins, but I think going for consistency is important, also hiding 0-coins on New. In all, I'm very supportive of this idea. You can still find any account (for befriending) using the search feature. We'll then also have a new 400,000 account milestone coming up with actual players. That sounds much better than including wholly unplayed accounts. With this change I think I'd also want to shuffle the leaderboards once more so that Coins is first, so we show the biggest number to new players. I think I'm cool with keeping the rest of the leaderboards in the order they're at now. Feedback on this idea is welcome, though I'm really leaning towards performing this change.

# 22



2 năm trước

Can you specifically elaborate (fully enumerate) for each board the sort order? It's not clear to me (based on the above) which boards are getting re-ordered. I still think there is merit in an every account list. (with no particular sort order in (my) mind) Searching for players is only useful when you remember how their name started. I also still fail to see why account ids where hidden... I don't understand how this is a privacy issue... It's just a number. By your own admission, they are still discoverable. Eliminating players from leaderboards who are not participants of the "class" does seem appropriate. But in my mind, begs for an "all accounts" list.

# 23



2 năm trước

@Hummm: the link for 'Coins' will be left of 'Quests' in the header of the players page, and be selected by default. There are no other changes. 'All accounts' seems functionally useless in the sense that you're never going to click through 20,000+ pages to find a player. I'd rather improve search to do mid-name matches then. Account IDs leak account age and count. Public profiles work without them, and the URLs look nicer too.

# 24



2 năm trước

the Pioneer badge "leaks" age ... the "New" leader board leaks age on the other end of the spectrum and the quest LB leaks age for those that do them if your friends w/ someone, TP to their house and look at the map coords, that leaks age if you play via steam, steam "leaks" hours played, and possibly purchase date. I think the whole "I must not leak account age" thing is something you've made up in your head, but is, in fact, a non issue.

# 25



2 năm trước

the only way to get anonymity around here is to be an alt w/ high stats :P

# 26



2 năm trước

How about: When you click search without anything in the input box, it shows all players, including 0 coin accounts.

# 27



2 năm trước

Everything I do is in my head and without purpose :-) I just believe picking low-hanging player privacy fruit is important even though it's not perfect. @obi-: not sure if we need 'all accounts' at all. I think you'd rarely interact with a non-playing account which name you don't know.

# 28



2 năm trước

But, I thought the point of being able to see all accounts was ease of access to the number of accounts, not seeing the actual accounts themselves. You expressed this exact same issue with hiding zero score accounts yourself.

# 29



2 năm trước

I realized that no-coiners are totally useless in the grand scheme of things. That they're currently listed is an artifact of not running into this earlier, rather than solid design. Sure it's fun to wave around 400K+ accounts, but everyone sees through that real quickly. A one-time drop to ~380K and building back up from there seems more respectable.

# 30



2 năm trước

Very fair point and true.

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 37

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