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Monthly coin leaderboard

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Bưu kiện 1–10 của 22

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2 năm trước

@SodaMeow and others have asked for a monthly coin leaderboard—showing every player's coin total for the current calendar month and resetting the first day of each month. The intention is to spur ongoing competition in 'seasons' for new and old players alike. Given how much I like the 'New' player leaderboard, it seems a pretty fun thing to add. One issue is that new players can farm coins more easily, giving them an advantage. But long-time players have the advantage of knowledge and experience, balancing it out. Let me know what you think and April 2022 might see the first official Angeldust coin hunting season!

# 2



2 năm trước

Seems cool to me, maybe some incentive to win the monthly season would be cool?

# 3



2 năm trước

This is great, I am up for the challenge! (ready and waitin') Thanks for making this possible Firefly. :D

# 4



2 năm trước

@obi, your treee house looks like mine! :D

# 5



2 năm trước

There's now a Month leaderboard—welcome to Angeldust Season Zero! :D The season resets somewhere around April 1st if we decide to keep it for that long. Let me know what you think of this super exciting event. There is no reward (yet) other than the joy of being the best and your name showing up near the top. Make sure to refresh the website to see the additional leaderboard icon. I've also renamed the 'Hero battle!' leaderboard to 'PvP' for brevity.

# 6



2 năm trước

I think your new LB is bugged ... my monthly gain (so far) is 103605

# 7



2 năm trước

@Hummm: It started counting 45 minutes ago… that's why this is Season 'Zero'—a testbed until it reset on April 1st. Maybe I'll even remove it before then if it isn't fun or exciting.

# 8



2 năm trước

I'm support the idea

# 9



2 năm trước

once again, I'm victim of your reset on a non-top of day ... you're not even counting the 3785 coins I earned today: 2022:03:22::23:05:00 8296298 2022:03:23::00:05:01 8296298 2022:03:23::01:05:00 8296298 2022:03:23::02:05:00 8296298 2022:03:23::03:05:01 8296298 2022:03:23::04:05:00 8296298 2022:03:23::05:05:00 8296298 2022:03:23::06:05:00 8296298 2022:03:23::07:05:00 8300083 2022:03:23::08:05:00 8300083 2022:03:23::09:05:00 8300083 2022:03:23::10:05:00 8300083 2022:03:23::11:05:00 8300083 2022:03:23::12:05:00 8300083 2022:03:23::13:05:01 8300083

# 10



2 năm trước

@Hummm: Sorry it doesn't align exactly with what you had in mind just yet. Somewhere on April 1st it will be exactly what it's supposed to be, until then it's this new thing that we can look at and see if we want to keep it. Gotta start somewhere and I just happen to work during UTC-ish office hours.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 22

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