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Angeldust Live! #390

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 30

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# 11



2 năm trước

Hello firefly! Can you imagine how cool a new mount functions would be, for example... Can you imagine being able to tame birds and also add them to your shoulder? Just like a pirate! I also thought it would be nice to have a system of being able to use attacks from the top of the mount, but in a way this would give some disadvantages to the character, I also fully support it with the skill system in the game, doing so that we can have varieties of attacks which is something that would be great!

# 12


Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

@Hummm... you already said, I can't claim Cinematic Mode, so it should still be on the table ;) Besides, having such a power in the game, heroes can still explore together while walking through walls, and hills. When in Cinematic Mode, we can't explore together. @Thank you, FF!

# 13



2 năm trước

I agree with Hummm. All secret rooms in wonders will lose all value and feature, they will no longer give players the joy of finding it on their own, like the joy of finding an easter egg. Also, any labyrinth will now be useless, because by default, each player will be able to pass through the walls. This spoils the impression of the wonders that its authors conceive. I ask you to take into account precisely these arguments, because construction is a very important part of the game. If there is a big wall here, then it must be hiding something. I believe that the weapon is already perfectly balanced. Each player of one class is dependent on another player of another class, this forces them to unite. It's a great idea, . If the builder will be so strong, then why do you need a tank warrior? I have an idea, but it does not concern weapons.. this is at the expense of the player's house. The house is only decorative, and the only benefit of it is that it is an icon on the game website, maybe you would consider the idea of ​​​​one utility, for example, that you can slowly restore health in it, this will be useful for players who have not yet found a bunny, and also for those who fundamentally do not use a magician and a builder, and also it will just add a little more atmosphere and also add meaning to being at home or at a friend's house.

# 14



2 năm trước

I really like your idea @JeremyDarkling, any excuse to go to another player's house is good for building rapport. But the restoration of health need to be kinda immediate if I was to bounce there to get benefit. It is a bit out of concept but its an interesting idea.:D

# 15


Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

@JeremnyDarkling... You do realize, and it was already brought up, that anyone can see what's behind every secret wall, or find out the secrets of any labyrinth, just by using the Cinematic Mode, right? But with the Cinematic Mode, there's no interaction with other players. Isn't Firefly wanting ideas, so he can create new weapons specifically, that have new functions, than what's in the game? I don't think he wants ideas for the rest of the game... just the weapons, or perhaps, other equipment, like shields that give a different function. I don't see how having a shield that can help you walk through a wall will make finding Easter Eggs any easier, since the game is huge. It's not a big deal to me, if it's not in the game... I'm just trying to come up with some ideas. What are your ideas for weapons? What's wrong with the Builder having a Hammer that can send a shockwave through the ground towards a creature, since the Trolls, and Elephants, do the same thing? I don't think such a characteristic makes the Elephants, or Trolls, too powerful. The Builder's weapons aren't very powerful as they are, so he should have a decent weapon, just like the Fighter, Scout, and Sorceress have. Turrets are decent weapons, but it takes a long time to put down a creature, especially the hard ones.

# 16


Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

I'd like to see a way of running fast for a longer period of time. Maybe, have a Shield of Agility, which can give the Fighter that special power. With such a shield, he can run twice as long, and the recovery time is twice as fast, as long as he's equipped with that shield. Continuously moving slow through the game can get a person bored fairly fast. There was a game called Diablo, where the players moved slowly in the game, and it wasn't fun because of that. And then, Diablo II came out, and the players could run faster, and do it for longer periods of time. Diablo II was probably a few thousand times more popular, and a lot less boring than the original Diablo game. The Scout, Builder, and Sorceress can also have that special power in one of their weapons, or other equipment.

# 17



2 năm trước

Wb the more damage the players deals to the creature = the more gold the player gets instead of droping the gold

# 18



2 năm trước

I Agree for with KJ for the Fighter where we could be invis Since its my to go character it would be great if add it in! ;)

# 19


Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

I already mentioned the Scout being able to fire a crossbow while on her ride. Now, a little twist to that idea... the ability to fire her crossbow while gliding through the air, without just falling to the ground.

# 20


(GM) SodaMeow

2 năm trước

Kanmaike and I discussed some of these concepts mentioned here by Kamikaze Justice Ref: Shield of Invisibility/The Crossbow of Invisibility Invisibility - what an amazing idea! Players can TP take all the coins and TP away and no one would be the wiser. Dream weapon for It would also be super cool when we do live battle on live stream and ruin the spawn and no one would be the wiser, unless they can get close enough to see who fired the shots, but it would keep everyone on their toes. It be super cool to see firefly's puzzled looks....and guessing who did this! So yes lets do this! :D Builders Hammer Another concept is similar to what is already put forward. This is for the builder to have a better impact using hammer or the explosion. But either weapon can be used to kill ALL creatures instantly within a certain perimeter preferably a large perimeter... this be kinda useful in epic scenes. Question: Invisibility vs invincibility - which will you choose and choose carefully!!!:D (Not that any of this will make it in the game, just curious). =^.^=

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 30

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