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Angeldust Live! #390

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 30

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# 21



2 năm trước

Hopefully, FF sees all of the same problems that @SodaMeow so beautifully pointed out... (although I'm quite certain she didn't mean too) Generally speaking, anything that makes a player immortal (even for a limited amount of time) will completely ruin the game.

# 22


Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

Even if invisibility made it into the game, our names will probably still be on the screen, showing whom is invisible, and where they're at. Also, as part of my invisibility idea, as I've mentioned before, whenever heroes use a weapon, they would become visible at that moment. Invisibility doesn't mean immortality, or invincibility, if creatures can still sense the hero in a minimum way. Maybe, there can be other concepts for invisibility.

# 23



2 năm trước

At the moment I don't think that invisibility / no-clip would be a good addition to the game. I hate that there are some camera clipping bugs where especially the fighter can look through ceiling geometry at times and I don't want players to intentionally experience that. Still, the idea has sparked discussion and more ideas flowing from it which is super cool. Who knows in what shape or form invisibility or some sort of stealthy aspect might come to the game in the future.

# 24



2 năm trước

Firefly, adds a nuke, it takes 20-30 seconds to build by the builder and deals 25-30 damage,And also after being exploded, it releases radiation that continues to take damage from monsters that are in the radius of destruction or that passed over where the bomb was exploded. Maybe this is a little appealing, but it doesn't hurt to share ideas :D

# 25



2 năm trước

Adding nukes to the game sounds very politically incorrect. But your numbers are way off... conventional ranged weapons (havoc, arrows) do 20 dps, so in 30 seconds you could have dealt (up to) 600 damage (depending on your aiming abilities). And, in the Sorc's AOE case, on every creature within the AOE. [edit: ok that sounded too good to be true... and it is. Here are some real-world numbers: (but still outperforms your nuke idea) Sorc does about 9.7 dps, so in 30 seconds does 292 damage Protip: if you're killing things that take more than 10 seconds to kill, you're doing it wrong.

# 26


Kamikaze Justice

2 năm trước

@FF It was fun playing the devil's advocate. Ironically, traveling through the hills could have been Angeldust's version of being a drug abuser, and spacing out;)

# 27



2 năm trước

maybe a katana that has a very small chance of dropping from one of the bosses? A katana with very high damage that ranges from 8 to 10 dps Maybe this is also very appeal It's just that I think the Boss drop system is something brilliant. This already has in the game but it should have something like a drop of some weapon with a low percentage of drop chance

# 28



2 năm trước

@xagas: your katana goes against both rules I set out initially :P See the last sentence of this post:

# 29



2 năm trước

Oh I'm sorry

# 30


Loki The Witful

2 năm trước

Sorry that I posted this so late, I planed on doing it after the live stream but, my day and the rest of my week got very busy. Builder. 1# Spinning knifes of death. A device that the builder could place with spinning knifes on it. It would have a range of 1 or 2 blocks around it, and a continuous damage of 2 or 5, This would be nice because it would have more damage than the turret but less than the bomb, and I think it would be a new fun way to play the game. 2# Bola launcher. It is like the turret but it only aims at flying creatures, and it would have no damage it just knocks the creature out of the sky for a little bit, so that you could hit it. 3# Slingshot I think be cool if the builder had a slingshot, it would probably have a damage of 1. --------------------------- --------------------------- Fighter. 1# Shield throw. I know the fighter does not have air attack and there is no plans on giving him one, but I think I have a small idea on it. What if he could throw his shield at monsters? But if he did it he would take more damage. because he does not have his shield with him, but he could just get it back if he walks on it or just waits for it to respawn back in his inventory. 2# Heroic finish. The fighter is a hero so why not give him a cool power? So that when he is fighting a monster and its life is lower then 5%, his sprint button would turns into a heroic finish / and instantly kill it, this would be tied to his sprint button so that he's not too op. 4# Second chance. What if the fighter had a 25% or a 50% chance when he is hit with enough damage to kill him, he would not die but get back some of his life. ------------------------- ------------------------- Game world 1# make it so we can move the text curser in chat and in the holo scroll. This is a small thing to the game that I would really love to be added and it would make my life easier, and I think lot of other people would love it too. ------------------------- If you have any questions I will try to further elaborate the ideas.

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 30

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