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NPCs to Activate a Photon Injector?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7




Kamikaze Justice

1 năm trước

Firefly... would it be possible for you to program the NPCs to be able to activate a Photon Injector when they walk over it? Also, I'd like to build a factory, or warehouse, with conveyor belts, and boxes being carried by the conveyor belts. Can you make it so blocks can ride the conveyor belts? These two changes could create a multitude of new possibilities in creativity.

# 2


Loki The Witful

1 năm trước

Hey Kamikaze this is already a thing. All you need to do is place the injector under the floor of the NPC. And a side note the NPC’s can do lots of more interaction in the game world just by placing the right things under there feet! For more information take a look at the angel dust creators kit.

# 3



1 năm trước

@Loki The Witful is right on the money! Angeldust Creator Kit explains how to make NPCs trigger photon injectors or removers. By hiding the photon stuff underground things look very seamless and I'm pretty sure you'll be able to make it awesome! Crates on conveyors are now simpler than ever before, see the 'Animate game world blocks' section of Angeldust Creator Kit. You might want to read the entire 'Create photon machinery' section, including 'Chain remote photon triggers' as that's what you need. On top of your conveyor belt(s) add photon mimics with two states: 'Crate' and 'Empty sticker'. Then chain remote photon injectors together that toggle three blocks at once: 1.) toggle one photon mimic from crate to empty to hide the crate in its old position 2.) toggle one photon mimic from empty to crate to show the crate in its new position 3.) trigger the next photon injector in the animation that does 1 and 2 for the new positions Then for the last conveyor belt, chain execution back to the first photon injector to make it loop.

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

1 năm trước

It's funny, every time I have an idea that is, imho, more efficient (etc. less time consuming, uses less area to build because it uses less blocks, more realistic in appearance, and switches aren't needed to get something to work), someone comes by to give me an idea (which I already knew about) that is a lot less efficient. We don't always have places to hide Photon Injectors, and not everyone wants to spend weeks on a single project, when it could take a single day to accomplish (Not all of us have an entire life still ahead of us). If I have the room, I'd rather use the Photon Injectors to create music. I like the idea of walking into an area, and something happens automatically, like NPCs appearing out of thin air. I still stand by my more efficient, less time consuming, space saving, original request. Thanks anyway.

# 5



1 năm trước


# 6



1 năm trước

@Kamikaze Justice: I feel—so it is not a hard fact, but my personal interpretation—that you are impeding actual help by demanding others ("someone") to be clairvoyant about your foreknowledge and by ignoring actual advice given. If you want hard fact answers: 1.) yes, it is possible for me to program the NPCs to be able to activate a photon Injector when they walk over it 2.) yes, I can make it so blocks can ride the conveyor belts I'm not used to operating in this mode of conversation so forgive me if this reply lacked my usual niceties and social cues.

# 7



1 năm trước

In addition, and falling back to my more regular conversational style, when really reading between the lines—are you aware of persistent photon injectors and photon removers? If you place a photon injector (or remover) you can set a ! flag to make it automatically trigger when players get nearby. This is very similar in concept to the persistent NPCs you reference in reply #4, doesn't require more space, doesn't require any setup and doesn't require years of one's life. See page 41 of Angeldust Creator Kit as mentioned above.

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7