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[CONCEPT] NPCs dialog wheel

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Alexi M

1 năm trước

[CONCEPT] NPCs dialog wheel -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- |the design of this dialogue wheel was based on the star in the telecharger

# 2



1 năm trước

very cool dude, it's a great job

# 3



1 năm trước

Yooo I swear I was just about to start a post about something related to npcs dialogue. I was wondering what if we could have a more complex npcs dialogues, so we can choose what to reply or ask to an npc. Also Alexi, idk how the wheel would work exactly, it would display the message before clicking or after? In all, 4 options is good enough to a have a nice dialogue.

# 4



1 năm trước

I think @Rob12's Crimson Shatter Temple showed great pioneer work for NPC interaction that is already possible today. If you want more interactive NPC dialogue I think you can iterate on that design by having not just one 'unpause' button, but by adding up to three buttons that toggle underground photon blocks to steer the NPC along different paths based on your choice. The simplest application being a guided/interactive tour where you decide where the NPC goes. With wireless photons this is pretty easy (famous last words). You can turn this into a dialog tree by adding holo scrolls labeling each choice (see the portals in City of Heroes Plaza). I know this doesn't give you RPG-levels of interaction, but I want to emphasize that functionally you can already get pretty close. Of course it will feel infinitely better when tied into good writing and integrated into the build's design. That said, and I'd encourage everyone to build using the already existing tools, something akin to Alexi's proposal would polish the experience for builders and players. It's another 'super nice to have' thing that I'll keep in mind while I try to fix other fundamental problems first :-)

# 5



1 năm trước

The idea firefly describes is too spammy and no sane builder would actually want to do this to their build, unless it's a large open build like rob's temple, no one will ever even attempt to do this to their build, adding just two options already forces the builder to add 2 scrolls and 2 injectors, add even more and your whole build is floating scroll and star symbols, that don't even mean anything as you need to do all previous choices to make sense/use of the next. No builder wants to ruin their build just to be a bad interactive NPC demo. The idea alexi describes is too high tech and requires too much work on firefly's side, for far too little gain. The most realistic way to have NPC dialogue in angeldust is to use the chat: -The NPC walks over a scroll containing text "##Please choose an option for me!#Option one text#Option two text#Option three text#Option four text". -Player sees this message in chat: ~ NPC ~: Please choose an option for me! 1: Option one text 2: Option two text 3: Option three text 4: Option four text -Player chooses an option by sending a number 1/2/3/4 in chat -Depending on what number the player sends, the NPC walks one block left/right/forwards/backwards relative to their orientation. The markings ## # were chosen on the spot while writing this post. Using this system a builder can seamlessly add up to four dialogue options (4 is more than enough) without any major difficulty or photon skill. No new UI needed, no client update needed, reuses existing game mechanics, good solution on all fronts.

# 6



1 năm trước

@obi-: You are very close to something workable—I'm a big fan of how you built this on top of existing features. With Assistana we show that NPCs can interpret chat strings, and this would make that feature available to players, too. It's pretty genius. I could implement a new NPC state for 'player dialog input' based on a new holo scroll format (TBD). When an NPC walks onto such a holo scroll, it would freeze until a nearby player makes a choice. This new state could be communicated using the 'menu/waiting' status bubble, just like I recently added the 'text balloon' status bubble for NPCs. For convenience, the NPC could repeat it's dialog choices every N seconds, or when the player re-enters the interaction radius. Now I need to think about what the result of a successful choice is. There's definitely a need to physically alter the NPCs state based on selecting an option as otherwise you have no idea what the player chose. Shifting the NPC by a block is slightly iffy as it depends on its original, relative orientation; and might conflict with nearby blocks. Maybe it's enough to rotate the NPC and make it start walking? With choice '1' always going right and '2' always going left? This still depends on the original rotation, but prevents issues with nearby blocks and physics. Because I think I want to limit it to two options(?) to not overcomplicate this and to not allow just 1 choice because it would be better served using buttons like @Rob12 did. Up to 4 choices could still work because the NPC can 'rotate' in four directions and start walking. I'm also slightly unhappy about using text chat to select an option. It requires lifting your hands from the mouse and/or typing on a touchscreen. I'd want to tie it to quick messages, or some other in-game action. I mean F-1 or F-2 is much easier than T-1-Enter or T-2-Esc. Maybe both can work, like F-1 is the same as T-1-Enter. In all, we're very close to something that could work in Angeldust today. And it would be an amazing new feature for NPC routing and interactivity. [EDIT: By using plain holo scrolls this feature also lets players edit and update text/choices via the website which is super handy for convenience.]

# 7



1 năm trước

Freezing the NPC and then having it walk endlessly into any 4 direction depending on the answer sounds much better than moving it one block. Freezing it also prevents it from walking off. Great solution. I also think that conflict with nearby blocks is up for the builder to resolve, leaving it up to the builder to think about also follows the design of other NPC features, where you can easily just lose the NPC because of a thin block if you don't know how to deal with NPCs yet. In an ideal world, the builder would choose the direction the NPC takes for each choice, using the scroll format. An over-engineered cool way to do it would be: "##Tell me where to go!#LThis choice goes left!#RThis choice goes right!#FThis choice goes forward!#FThis one goes forward too!", which would give: ~ NPC ~: Tell me where to go! 1: This choice goes left! 2: This choice goes right! 3: This choice goes forward! 4: This choice goes forward too! Another idea is to use cardinal directions (NSEW) instead of LRFB, or even both mixed together for really thought out NPC routing. Using the flourish actions sounds much cleaner, for extra polish they could even be replaced with the actual response text in chat. I believe giving the builder the choice of either 1, 2, 3 or 4 choices is best. If there were only two choices, I would definitely be the kind of person to abuse the system and make two fake choices that do the same thing, just to avoid adding a visible injector a player would have to step on, which is the whole point of adding this feature in the first place. Giving the builder the ability to add up to 4 choices, giving all 4 directions would cover all possible uses; I can imagine loki making a livestream demo where you have to direct a robot NPC through a maze via chat messages.

# 8


Loki The Witful

1 năm trước

How did he know 🧐

# 9



1 năm trước

I aint reading all of that ☠️

# 10



1 năm trước

I bet you will if FF implements it :P ... either that or you'll be like: Fatih: Obi, can you please add NPC <cut off> Obi: NO! Go read the docs yourself!

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