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The sad ending of my youtube channel - Shinjou Ch.

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7





10 tháng trước

guys, i think i am not affordable to have this channel anymore. i didnt did anything and youtube thinked i made scam, fr, the channel got its end. please, yall, archive all my videos, ill be active in my discord server, and twitter. ill have until 7 F&%@$% days until i delete my channel. for the dedicated bf, i am deleting this yt channel FOREVER. i am not affordable to do videos, i give up of this, i just cannot hold in anymore. You have 7 days to join my discord server. link in bio. save all my videos, i beg.... one day i will return but its not sure. its because i have to stay all day in school next year, also.. well, see you guys soon. minnasan, thanks for all these memories and i will never forget them. -Shinjou

# 2



10 tháng trước

And I WILL stay active in discord. Dont worry!

# 3



10 tháng trước

And there is other reason too: copyrighted videos.

# 4



10 tháng trước

AND THIS IS NOT an scam. I am really ending it because next year there will be ALL DAY classes, and i will not have time to use my tablet since there will be lots of homework. Thanks minnasan, i hope return youtube soon. Ill still remain on twitter interacting! -Shinjou

# 5



10 tháng trước

An alternative, pace and modify your production style. One video every 2 months using music and art you create. This would keep your work safe from the copyright concern. There are some no cost or low cost music themes available, but If no music is available, try a new technique like sound effects, like recording audio of feet walking with an animatIon of a character walking it may not look as detailed as other animes, but it will certainly be a production of your own. Use the skills you’ve practiced from past video editing and apply it to new projects. It’s like leveling up your own works. I do that very often with my work.

# 6


(GM) SodaMeow

10 tháng trước

Ripped! But am sure you be back one way or other in the future! (if you take Talking plants advice even better form too)! ~Meow

# 7



10 tháng trước

I changed my mind and I have another idea for not delete and get all my videos there up: just unlisting them. I changed my mind so it's just a break from now on. But I'll change the content from my videos! -Shinjou P.S: I'll just unlist the videos, I changed my mind about deleting it. But I'll unlist my videos for in the future create new content.

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7