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Memories is created when together.

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 25

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8 tháng trước

Hello. This topic is to talk about how this year has gotten too far, and very fast to be honest. This year we had amazing streams, my comeback at Febuary 2023, we made friends each other. Q: and what is this main point of the topic? A: Well, the point is made for remember all our epic moments at this game at 2023. All our memories was created here, even the first couple of the year, @sl_pro and me, and now, am shipping @Firefly and @(GM)SodaMeow because it forms a great couple. Thanks to all my friends, @INFAMOUS, @song123, @Angelio, @obi-, and others for this amazing year. We're in the middle, yet! This topic is to talk about how far the 2023 moments went and say "hey @person, Remember that thing?" And it was amazing. I wish you all a merry Christmas for you all and a happy new year, let's hop along for my next year's streams: ShinjouLive 4! For concluding, our anthem for the end of the year. That's it guys, I hope you all have a amazing feast with your friends and family, even talk how 2023 was all far. Thanks to everyone to make this thing ever possible and thanks to @Firefly to make this amazing game in the deep of my heart. I want to wish a happy holidays and hop along to the next year's forum! -Shinjou Edit: i forgot to say there will be my last year's thing for 2023, An GL2 Photo of all of us! And there is a error because I was worried about the title limit. The original would be "Memories is created when we are together".

# 2


(GM) SodaMeow

8 tháng trước

How good is your memory..heh! First attempt at a <Remember The Good time> & <More of the same in 2024>! Have an amazing Christmas Holiday, enjoy the moments! =^.^= MEOW~~

# 3



8 tháng trước

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a warm and cozy time this week. Spread some love, energy and fun to the people in your life and you'll be the real Santa Claus. And thank you so much for the love, energy and fun you all gave me this year! @SodaMeow: I… this… puzzle is impossible! But I'm not giving up just yet! Merry Christmas! :D

# 4


Loki The Witful

8 tháng trước

Merry Christmas everyone I hope that you all are having an amazing holiday with family or friends!!!

# 5



8 tháng trước

@Sodameow I think I solved it ... sent you a DM on Discord

# 6


Sir Donate

8 tháng trước

Hm...? Interesting? Happy holidays!

# 7



8 tháng trước

Merry Christmas all. Here's a quick lead riff jam I recorded during the Livestream musical minute. Theres actually more I recorded. The timing was surprising well. A pretty cool concept jamming across the Globe! :)

# 8



8 tháng trước

@TalkingPlants: It's quite… something, glad you had a good time :-) Yesterday I went online to wish a bunch of people merry Christmas in-game which was fun. Also fought two hydras with SodaMeow, dyrman, lợi 3, Arkhas the Legend, SteveRyder14, Глебушка and others. My PMs are still piling up, I promise I'll get to them soon!

# 9



8 tháng trước

FF, im not sure about it. If you take more time to reply, they will think you will never reply. And its what i think...

# 10



8 tháng trước

@ShinyouChYT: You are absolutely free to think what you want and you are free to doubt my word.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 25

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