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Mileage Markers...

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 26

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# 11



7 năm trước

So 12 levels away would be 1 and 1/2 kilometer. That would take about 10 minuets to walk.

# 12



7 năm trước

Because (12)(4)= 48 claims and 48/32 = 1.5

# 13



7 năm trước

Do you know that my 4th and 8th grade math teachers would be so proud.

# 14



7 năm trước

And Frank I'm sorry for pointing all this out to everyone. I can tell it's confusing by design.

# 15



7 năm trước

How about this ... forget miles/meters ... use "blocks", where every block = claim. Then number every claim in the world w/ (x.a,y.b,.c) where x and y are the claim coordinates and the .[abc] is the offset within the claim (note: 3 dimensions) ... you could use (x,y) if you only needed rough location and (x.a,y.b,.c) for a precise location ... then bring on the slash commands! .... "/loc" and "/faceloc x,y"

# 16


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Could just call each claim (or unclaimed lot of land) a SECTOR.

# 17


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

As I said before, it doesn't matter if "miles" or "meters" is the measurements, because it'll all work out. In this game, miles and meters are just words, not realistic measurements.

# 18


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I can live with 32 claims equaling 1 mile or 1 kilometer, and a person can use what they want to use... "mile" or "kilometer". I'm about to make signs for how much distance to my town, and it would be nice to have some kind of understanding on it.

# 19



7 năm trước

The word kilo means 1000 and in 32 claims there are 1024 blocks. 8 levels, 124 blocks per level. This is assuming each block is a meter. Seems like calling it a kilometer is as close to accurate as we can get. The world sees 'kilo' and thinks 1000, 1000 blocks is actually 31.25 claims if they figured it out they could see that and not be confused when we round up less than one claim. If the world sees the word mile and becomes confused. I think we should do this because if we figured that a block was a yard instead of a meter then it would be 55 claims per mile. 55 won't divide into 4 and there are 4 claims per level (I sure hope I'm correct and there are 4 claims per level) but 32 does. and 32 claims is so close to 1000 blocks. We ought to forget about yards and miles and say that a block is a meter. If I'm right and there are 4 claims per level.

# 20


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

You're making it harder than it needs to be, just so you can use "kilometers". Just say... 32 blocks equal a mile, or 32 blocks equal a kilometer. To each his own, and when you see the word "miles", just pretend you see "kilometers", and when I see "kilometers", I'll pretend I see "miles". I like how it is in America, and we use a different words than Europeans do. I've been resistant to the European metric system and always will be.

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 26

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