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Mileage Markers...

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–26 của 26

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# 21


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Just as you have made it work for you by saying, 32 blocks=1 kilometer, I can make it work equally well for me by saying, 32 blocks equal 1 mile... simply by saying, 1 block equals 165 feet, or by saying, 1 block equals 55 yards.

# 22



7 năm trước

Your right but there are 32 blocks in a claim. There are 4 claims per level. That's set into the game. By saying that each block is 1 meter means that each claim would be 32 meters. This means that an actual kilometer would be 31.25 claims because that's 1000 blocks. If we round that up slightly to 32 claims (1024 blocks) then we can evenly divide the 32 claims 8 times and we get 4. Which means if we do it this way there would be just over 1000 blocks and there would be exactly 8 levels per kilometer. If someone is walking around and they see a sign saying 'Someplace cool, 1 kilometer South' They wouldn't have any idea how far you meant. They would probably think that that would be 1000 blocks because of the word kilo, which would be 31.25 claims. Actually it would be 32 claims but they would still be right, it would take the same amount of time to get there. You could say that 32 claims is a mile but there aren't 1760 blocks in 32 claims and there aren't 55 blocks in a claim either. Nobody would ever guess that. If a block is a yard then a mile would be 55 claims (1760 blocks). Firefly set the level number to increase every 4 claims. 55 is not divisible evenly by 4. Each mile would be 13.75 claims if a block is a yard. If a block is a meter then a kilometer would be 8 levels (32 claims) and only slightly over 1000 blocks which is the number people would guess.

# 23



7 năm trước

I made a mistake in the last paragraph. If a block was a yard then a mile would be 55 claims because that's 1760 blocks. 55 isn't divisible evenly by 4, so we would get 13.75 levels per mile. Because firefly set 4 claims per level. I'd rather have 32 claims, 8 levels or 1024 blocks (so close) per kilometer than have 55 claims, 13.75 levels or 1760 blocks per mile.

# 24


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I never said, a block is a yard... I'd give it as 55 yards, or 165 feet... and 32 blocks would be 1 mile because of that. What are you calling block? I was assuming, you were calling one claimed/unclaimed plot of land as 1 block, like a city block. Or, are you talking about a building block?

# 25


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

As of right now, I'm figuring that 13.75 land levels (55 claimed/unclaimed lands) is 1 mile, unless I did some bad math, but I don't think so. Each building block is 3'x 3', so each claimed/unclaimed land is 96'(32x3'), and each land level is 384'(96'x4). 5280'(1 mile)÷ 55 = 13.75 land levels.It doesn't matter if it's off by a little. In reality, I bet, even the mileage signs on the highways aren't exact. So when I make a mileage sign, it'll be based on 13.75 land levels equaling 1 mile.

# 26


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I've decided to make my signs much simpler. For example, it'll say... Justice N-Level 17 There won't be any guessing as to where the city of Justice actually is, and how long it will take to get there. "N" is for the direction.

Bưu kiện 21–26 của 26

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