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I was being framed as a griefer!

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–17 của 17

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# 11



7 năm trước

just reading, watching and learning

# 12



7 năm trước

It's time for the DankMasterSolvage to intrude on this forum post! :D So anyways, let's start with your video. There have been cuts made within your video before the events shown occurred. With this being said, you are withholding information about the situation and is not a good idea. Furthermore, in the video, you were placing bombs all around my building space even though there was no reason in doing so. You did these actions purely out of nonsense and not to prove that you were detonating bombs. Even more so, your bombs did go off and blow up multiple parts of terrain and you claimed you did nothing wrong. Keep in mind that I did warn you that if you continued your actions, I would simply repay the favor. You did not listen and so the deed is now done. You also felt the need to constantly give your not-so-needed criticism on my pathways and even took it as far and redoing them without proper instruction. So far, you've damaged my terrain even though I clearly warned you beforehand, withheld information about the entire matter all together, and even attempted to modify my terrain without my consent. There are multiple people who know what actions you took before this all went down so please don't attempt to complain about "being griefed" or "framed as a griefer" since there are two things wrong with these statements. Firstly, being "framed" means that there are people who have spread rumors about you being a griefer which by the way, hasn't been done. Secondly, don't go around asking for another players ban or punishment when you're just as at fault as me on this situation. If a ban must happen, I will gladly accept it however, you also deserve it as well for recording all of that and deciding to cut out the part of the video where you provoked us. Don't make such hasty forum posts next time. Thank you. :P

# 13



7 năm trước

seems like i missed alot last night damn.

# 14



7 năm trước

@joekyu Oh boy. You don't even know the half of it dude. xD

# 15



7 năm trước

Hey guys, try to have fun and just play the game together; there's room enough for everyone to build cool stuff and you don't need to stay around players you don't want to be around. Oxygen: you did type some rather inappropriate things in the in-game chat. Please (all) try to watch your language.

# 16



7 năm trước

In any mmo there's friction at times. I'm sure neither of you meant to do anything wrong and it's all just a misunderstanding.

# 17



7 năm trước

@FireFly Thank you for commenting on the situation. I am not so mad to a point to where I would simply quit the server and to be honest, I am really greatful that you did make an appearance to settle the matter. Of course, I will try to make better decisions in the future so for now, thank you for being kind enough to take some time out of your day to check up on us. It means a lot more to me than you think. :)

Bưu kiện 11–17 của 17

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