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Election weekend

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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7 năm trước

Hello, as you may or may not know this weekend we are voting the president(If you do not know what i'm talking about read this thread: ) Before you vote be sure to read the posts and the conversation again. If you have decided click this link which will bring you to a poll where you can vote your favorite candidate:

# 2



7 năm trước

I'm Midori and as you may know I'm candidate for president. What I will tell you now are not just empty promises but guaranteed things that will happen when I get elected! 1.Free land for everyone 2.Free gold for everyone 3.I will make anime real 4.Your LIFE will instantly IMPROVE 5.I will build HUGEEE wall to stop illegal monsters and radical griefers crossing our borders 6.I will win BIGLY against our enemy 7.My friends that are SMARTEST and most AMAZING will work for YOU to improve YOUR life 8.CROOKED Obi will go to jail!! 9.COMMUNIST Dart will go back to his farmland to cultivate his potatoes and distillate vodka 10.Dishonest media are going to be PUNISHED and many more GREAT things will happen!Including free ticked for vault512 that will save you from any danger. I'm also very nice person and never would harm anyone, Obi on other side praises black magic and satan!

# 3



7 năm trước

I'm Midori and as you may know I'm candidate for president. What I will tell you now are not just empty promises but guaranteed things that will happen when I get elected! 1.Free land for everyone 2.Free gold for everyone 3.I will make anime real 4.Your LIFE will instantly IMPROVE 5.I will build HUGEEE wall to stop illegal monsters and radical griefers crossing our borders 6.I will win BIGLY against our enemy 7.My friends that are SMARTEST and most AMAZING will work for YOU to improve YOUR life 8.CROOKED Obi will go to jail!! 9.COMMUNIST Dart will go back to his farmland to cultivate his potatoes and distillate vodka 10.Dishonest media are going to be PUNISHED and many more GREAT things will happen!Including free ticked for vault512 that will save you from any danger. I'm also very nice person and never would harm anyone, Obi on other side praises black magic and satan!

# 4



7 năm trước

Double post like a king...

# 5



7 năm trước

I make real promises.

# 6



7 năm trước

That is exactly It.You make promises...I take real action to improve this World for everyone. You was part of globalist establishment for 30years and improved nothing!You are full of 'real' promises that really never become more than empty words. What about people that were killed under your rule? What about your insecure email service with secret data that you made avaible to our enemy?Why do you take all your gold from places where people support violence against women? Why can you not even say the words'Radical Griefers?' How can you solve anything if you can not even name our real threat! It is time for change,time for better tomorrow. Vote Midori and get more than 'real' promises. Get real benefits!

# 7



7 năm trước

This is too much 😆😆

# 8



7 năm trước

I've also decided to give everyone free ponny! You will be able to use them as special currency! Big thank you to Vermin Supreme for givin' me this recommendation.

# 9



7 năm trước

100,000 to everyone lol And add Santa hunting event lol GG legit

# 10



7 năm trước

1. How can i be a part of the globalist establishment for 30 years when i do not even have 30 years yet? 2. How are you make your "real benifits" real? 3. How can i be controled by money when i'm the 5th most rich person and you the 4th? 4. How did people die under my rule when i haven't even ruled yet? 5. I do not FRAME the people i'm against. 6. My promises are already becoming real - for example the white house is already under construt. 7. I do not enslave my friends. 8. If i win i won't start a dictatorship like you(Midori) probably will. 9. I do not use Trumps ideas. 10. You use big words like you own them. 11. How can i praise satan when i have the Holy Bible next to me?

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