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7 năm trước

looking at the polls today it seem midori will win the election. but is this a good thing? i have been looking at his claims and it seems we have another trump on our hands. he has said, and i quote "I will build HUGEEE wall to stop illegal monsters and radical griefers crossing our borders" and "I'm also very nice person and never would harm anyone, Obi on other side praises black magic and satan!". it seems hes a radical extreameist and will make any claim to win. is this the end of free speach in angledust? what are your thoughts on the election and how do you think it will effect the world? leave your opinion in the comments since we are intitled to it for now!

# 2



7 năm trước

When it really comes down to it its just a little bit of fun shit-posting XD It will have no effect ingame but its nice to see the community getting involved with eachother.

# 3


Cari Freybren

7 năm trước

I really don't understand this whole election thing tbh, I see quite a few people (Not gonna mention names) Tending to brag about how much gold they have and making them 1st or 2nd and so fourth lol. Like breh, this isn't any real accomplishment. Once you get everything in game, gold is going to be pointless unless an update lands to make it useful (which is doubtful) But this is for another topic I suppose. Most of the people running haven't really shown leadership imho, I feel this is more of a popularity vote more than anything. (Not that our recent U.S.A election wasn't lol)

# 4



7 năm trước

Just decode my secret message in one of my poems, and you'll know.Can't say anything else.

# 5



7 năm trước

If you ask me people should brag about what good things they do in the game like helping eachother and new people, and things like that.

# 6



7 năm trước

Elections lmao? Thats dumb haha..

# 7


Cari Freybren

7 năm trước

This game is good, but theirs nothing you can really do on here that is brag worthy, we have all seen way better on minecraft already. I've seen petty arguments on the forums and in game over gold, like, "Wow, chill out lol" No one is better than anyone in a game like this. If you wanna be better than someone, go to a tournament for Smash bros, tekken, street fighter, etc.

# 8


Cari Freybren

7 năm trước

Me honestly, if this whole election thing goes through; I want someone who shows a lot of leadership and isn't afraid to help others, amongst other things; Like for instance, helping out on the forums often.

# 9



7 năm trước

ding ding ding

# 10



7 năm trước

I help if i can.

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